EPS1300 • EPS2500 • EPS3700 • EPS4900 • EPS4900VF
Submersible Pond Pump
Instructions for Operation • Safety • Warranty
Thank you for purchasing the Eco-Clear Submersible
Pond Pump from EasyPro. These pumps are designed
for continuous duty use to move large volumes of water
from your pond to a filter or waterfall. When used at the
bottom of a pond it can handle larger waste particles
without blocking and send them to a filter. To use the
product safely and to maximum benefit, be sure to read
and follow the instructions.
Keep a copy of the instructions for reference. If this
instruction manual should become lost or damaged, a
copy can be found at our website www.easypro.com.
Safety & Electrical Connections
Always disconnect the electrical supply before
handling, maintaining, repairing or installing any pond equipment.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Always make sure you know the correct amps and voltage required before installing.
Use dedicated power outlet only. Sharing the outlet with other equipment may cause
overheating and fire.
A drip loop should be installed in the power cord, to ensure water cannot travel down it
and into an electrical socket
Always connect to a Ground Fault Circuit (GFCI) to prevent electrical shock. Never
submerge connecting power cable plug in water.
Never let the pump run without water as this will damage the impeller,
overheat and possibly burn out the pump. This pump must stay submerged
entirely when operating. Running pump low on water will cause overheating,
premature failure and will void warranty.
Do not use this product in bathrooms or swimming pools. For use with fresh water only.
Do not use in water over 95° F (35°C).