We never stop trying!
Mobile Access
First of all, the mobile phone must open the internet access function. Mobile access
includes two modes: Mobile browser access (Intelligent mobile phone) and access through
Java software (JAVA Mobile phone
Smart phone Access
The smart phones are the mobile phones with operating system, such as Windows Mobile
and Symbian. Due to its powerful function, the web page browser of such phones usually
supports Javascript. That’s why it can visit the dynamic pages of the IP camera through web
page browser.
First of all, the mobile phone must open internet access function.
Use the browser on the phone to visit the address of the IP camera, e.g.
(“demo” is the Serial No. Each device has only one Serial No)
Next, taking the Opera mini 4 Version on Windows Mobile as an example, we are going
to introduce the whole procedure.Enter access address http://demo.ipcam.hk in the browser
address bar, the following interface will appear:
Input the Username and Passoword of the device, and the following interface will
appear. There are three log-in options. Click on the third “Sign in” and use Mobile Phone
Language is used to select the display language.
Do not show next time:
When this option is selected, this interface will not appear when you
log in next time. It will directly skip to the monitor image.