To tran smitting a talk confirmation tone
Usin g audio Accessory
a.Turn the radio off; plug the accessory into the jack.
b.Turn the radio on, lower volume before placing the accessory in the
head or in ear.
c.Press '
' or '
' to adjus t volume to a comfortable level.
d.To transmitting, press 'PTT', and speak into the accessory microphone.
e.To receive, release 'PTT'.
Adjusting the volume
As the radio is on stan dby mode,press '
' key to increase volume,
press '
' key to de crease volume. Total,the re are 8 volume ste ps.
User can hear the transmission ,to respond to the transmission, press
'PTT' within 5 seconds.
If want stop scanning, press '
' key again or 'PTT 'key.
display. when radio detects a channel activity, it stops scanning and
The radio can transmit a unique tone when user finished transmission.
a.To turn talk confirmation tone on:
turn the radio on normaly,the confirmation tone is in 'on' mode in
default,and confirmation tone icon display.
b To turn talk confirmation tone off:
press and hold '
'key while user
' key to turn on the radio,
confirmation tone icon no longer display.
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