Upon receipt of this of attachment, cut the metal bands and stretch wrapping materials
securing the attachment to the pallet. Using a lift truck insert the forks into the fork
pockets of the attachment and remove the attachment from the pallet. Install the safety
chain cam lock to the carriage of the lift truck and adjust the chain so it is taught.
Models equipped with the Quick-Claw™ Safety Restraint System do not require the use
of safety chain and cam lock. Carriage mounted models require the attachment be
bolted onto an ITA class II carriage using the supplied mounting blocks. Once the
attachment has been secured to the lift truck, visually inspect the attachment for damage
incurred while in transit, especially in the area of the clamping assemblies. If there is no
apparent damage, proceed to the next paragraph. If there is damage to the attachment
do not use the attachment until the problem has been resolved.
With the attachment secured to the lift truck, tilt the mast so the forks are parallel with the
floor. The attachment should always be in this position for the clamping mechanisms to
be able to grip all four drums at once. Position the attachment’s center guide over the
opening in the center of all four drums. Lower the attachment onto the top of all four
drums and then raise the attachment. All four drums should be engaged by the clamping
mechanisms. To release the drums, simply reverse this procedure. It is not necessary
lower the drums hard onto the ground or pallet to release. It is recommended that all
four drums be in a somewhat tight configuration to be gripped. Should the drums be
somewhat misaligned, lower the attachment into the center of the drums and drive
forward a few inches to help align the drums before raising the attachment. Should the
attachment miss gripping a misaligned drum after lifting, approach the missed drum
toward the clamping bay area and repeat the lower/raise procedure until all four drums
have been gripped. The attachment is capable of handling less than four drums at a time
in the same fashion as outlined above.
When handling open head drums with removable lids, it is recommended to have the lid
locking bolts in a position other than the center where the clamping mechanism it
attempting to grip the drum chime.
All four drum attachment models are available for handling drums in hazardous areas
with non-sparking features. The SRC option utilizes non-sparking stainless steel parts
in all areas that make contact to the drum to eliminate the potential for spark. In
addition, the clamping jaws are made of a non-sparking alloy, which appear to be brass in
color or stainless. The SRC suffix is included in the model number for all models
having these non-sparking features (example: Model EL4F-SRC)
Should you experience and problems or need further explanations of any contents of this
manual, please call customer service @ 302-737-7000 or 800-233-1800.