Getting ready for the night
The night setting is created as follows:
• Detach the table top of the swivelling
table from the table leg and pull the leg
from the leg base in the floor.
• Place the three included fillers in the aisle
in the position indicated by the drawing.
Place the table top in the designated po-
sition on the aluminium rails between the
bench cabinets.
• Slide the seating cushions towards
the centre and place the conical back
cushions along the sides, pointing the
widest part towards the side wall. Any
back cushion raisers, arm cushions and
round seating cushions must be placed
underneath the bed, in the aisle. As an
alternative setup for the night you can
leave the aisle partly open by not placing
the table between the aluminium rails and
sliding the 1/3 seating cushions all the way
to the side wall. As such, it will be easier
to get out of the bed, while also it will be
more convenient to get access to the
portable toilet in the right bench cabinet.
Blinding the windows
The windows in the canvas flex-wall can easily
be blinded, partially or entirely, by use of the
double zips.
Night situation: cushion configuration
Bench cabinet
Bench cabinet
Bench cabinet
Bench cabinet
Filling piece
Filling piece
Filling piece
oss-section cushion position situation at night