Venison Pot Roast
I n g r e d i e n t s
3 lbs
Venison stew meat
1 can
Diced tomatoes
1 lb
Carrots (chopped large)
Large potatoes (chopped large)
Celery (chopped large)
M a r i n a d e
1/2 C
Red wine
1/2 C
Tomato sauce
1/4 C
Reveo Italian Renaissauce™
Zesty Italian Dry Marinade Base
P r o c e d u r e
1. Blend liquid ingredients with dry spices
2. Add all ingredients and marinade to Reveo
3. Attach hose and MariVac
4. Tumble 20 minutes
5. Cover and bake @ 300ºF for 2 1/2 hours
until tender
Holiday Game Hens
I n g r e d i e n t s
Cornish game hens
Potatoes, cut into squares
Pearl onions
Baby carrots
M a r i n a d e
1/2 C
Orange juice
1 tsp
1/4 C
P r o c e d u r e
1. Blend liquid ingredients with dry spices
2. Add all ingredients and marinade to
Reveo barrel
3. Attach hose and MariVac
4. Tumble 15 minutes
5. Bake covered at 350ºF for 1 hour
Uncover, and bake 15 minutes. Skin
should be crisp but tender
Tips and Recipes for the Wild Game Lover
The Reveo is perfect for taming the wild game taste. The charts on pages 15 and 16 have guidelines
for all cuts of wild game meat. In addition to flavoring meats for grilling and baking, the Reveo can
bring the flavor of your venison jerky and wild boar sausage to a whole new level!