GPS tracking system
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predefined e-mail address.
How to connect device to the platform for real time tracking via GPRS
1. Get IMEI number
The device will reply” IMEI: 123456789123456; GSM CSQ:xxxx; Soft:V07.20.10.1345”
2. Go to the website
and login with your account.
3. On the left side, click "Manage→Add Tracker”
4. GPRS Setting
In order to use the GPRS function, the user needs to setup the APN by sending SMS command.
--What is APN? Access point name (APN) is the name used to identify a general packet radio service (GPRS) bearer service in the GSM mobile network. The
APN defines the type of service that is provided in the packet data connection.
Make sure that the SIM card in the tracker supports the GPRS function.
The APN can be acquired from your local GSM operators.
S1, APN, user name, password
Some access point name without user name and password, so please leave it blank.
Example: S1,internet
“internet” is the APN from the SIM card provider; therefore the user must set their particular APN for their own country which the unit resides.
After sending the command, the device will reply “Set APN OK! GPRS connecting”
After send S1,APN, wait for a while then you will see device is online.
Set GPRS Time interval by SMS (this can be also set from platform)
The meaning of “xx”,
The setting must be in 2 digitals and maximum 99 in value, which means 01~99.
xxS is the time interval in second with range(30~99)
xxM is the time interval in minute with range(01~99)
xxH is the time interval in hour with range(01~99)
Example: TI01M
The device will reply “Set updating time interval OK!” and then device will update the time by every 1 minute on the website.