General Information
The EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series fireplace
system is a prefabricated, refractory modular fireplace and
chimney system designed for field assembly. The system
consists of interlocking precast parts which are glued together
with a masonry adhesive.
The parts of the EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series
fireplace system and DM 54 chimney system are precast using
a proprietary mixture of volcanic pumice aggregate and cement.
It includes all the parts necessary for assembly of a complete
firebox, smoke dome and chimney system.
Each EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series fireplace
component is designed for a specific part of the fireplace such
that only one means for assembly is possible.
The EPA qualified model requires an in-line or
chimney top damper.
The EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series fireplace
system requires a EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series fireplace
refractory fire brick liner be applied to the interior of the firebox.
Fire brick must be a minimum thickness of one and one-eighth
inch (1-1/8”).
The EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series fireplace
system is available in one size: thirty-six inch (36”). This unit
has a thirty inch (32”) rough opening height before fire brick.
The DM 54 chimney system is a dual module refractory
chimney system. The basic chimney consists of an outer casing
block and an inner liner with a fourteen inch (14”) diameter
flue hole. The chimney components are field assembled using
Earthcore Mortar to glue the components together.
The DM 54 chimney system also includes an offset
chimney block component, used to create offsets to the vertical
run of the chimney. A brickledge component is available,
designed to support chimney top brick veneer finishes.
Prefabricated masonry chimney termination caps are also
The various EPA Phase 2 qualified Standard Series
fireplace system components will be described and illustrated
in the following pages. Close attention should be paid to each
component group’s specifications and installation requirements
as described in this manual.
Important: Due to heat and weight issues, the EPA Phase 2
qualified Standard Series fireplace installations require that the
system be built upon a non-combustible concrete slab with no
wood underpinnings supported to footings with concrete or steel
and designed to carry the total weight of the Isokern fireplace
and chimney system.
The Fire-Lite application of the EPA Phase 2 qualified
Standard Series fireplace fireplace is designed to be built upon a
combustible floor system and will also require a design that will
support the total weight of the Isokern fireplace and chimney
system. The FTF-13 or equivalent chimney system only must be
used with the Fire-Lite application.
Chimney system installations over 57’ - 0” will require
additional support.