Copyright © 2014 by E&G Corporation, LLC. All right reserved. The reproduction or uti li za tion of this work in any form or any elec tron ic, me chan i cal, or other means, no known or here af ter in vent ed,
including xe rog ra phy, pho to copy ing, and re cord ing, and in any in for ma tion storage retrieval system is for bid den with out written per mis sion of owners.
Black Ice Mesh Part #: 1022-B10U-14Z / Chrome Mesh Part #1022-010U-14Z
E-Power Chrome Mesh Part #1022-010U-14ZEPC / E-Power Black Mesh Part #1022-010U-14ZEP
Notes to the Technician/Installer:
E&G is proud to present this package to you and reminds you that for technical in for ma tion, contact technical assistance
at 410-381-4900. Do not at tempt the in stal la tion of any E&G prod uct without first reading the detailed in struc tions.
E&G Clas sics will not war rant dam aged parts or the ve hi cle due to altered in stal la tion procedures.
Important: If the front of the vehicle you are working on differs from the one shown in this instruction
manual, please call technical assistance at 410-381-4900 before proceeding.
Apply masking tape to the chromed portion of the factory grille
as shown. This will protect the chrome finish during the E&G
mesh grille installation.
Copyright 2014 by E&G Corporation, LLC.
Visit us online today at www.egclassics.com
2014-15 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Z71
Mesh & E-Power Mesh Grilles
Automotive grade masking tape, razor blade or X-Acto knife, 9mm socket and ratchet, electric drill, 1/16”
drill bit, #1 phillips screwdriver, plastic squeegee, mild solvent, glass cleaner and soft, clean cloths.
2-Piece Upper EZ Overlay
Note: Will not fit standard Silverado
Thread the supplied #4 x 3/4” screws into a piece of cardboard
and apply flat or semi-gloss black paint and allow to dry.
E&G Classics Warranty Information:
E&G Corporation, LLC. warrants its chrome parts and products to be free from defects in ma te ri al, workmanship or finish for Thirty-Six (36) months from the date of shipment by E&G. This
warranty is limited to the repair or replacement, at E&G Classics option, of the defective part or product.Full E&G Classics warranty information is available online @ www.egclassics.com. Just
click on the product warranty icon.
For E&G Classic Product Returns:
Please contact the authorized E&G Classics Dealer where you purchased our product from in regards to any workmanship or warranty claims. All items returned to E&G Classics
must have a return authorization number issued by us for inspection or a defective product and or warranty issue. All merchandise sent back to E&G Classics without proper
paperwork or authorization will be rejected and returned.
Use a plastic squeegee to push through the double faced tape
securing the “Z71” emblem to the factory grille and remove the
emblem. Do not use a metal tool such as a screwdriver or you
will damage the emblem.
Remove the factory double faced tape from the back of the em-
blem along with the alignment pin behind of the number “1”