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Page 1: ...UltraNavGPS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHO IN U S A 988O106 61 EAGI F 1 TM PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Page 2: ...available navigationtoolswhentravelling to awaypoint butwill also visually checkto make certainaclear safe path tothewaypoint isalwaysavailable NOTICE Asofthiswriting theDepartmentofDefense DOD hasnotdeclared the GPS navigation systemasoperational The systemis still inatesting phase Satellites canbeturnedofforaccuracycanbedegraded atwillby thesystemoperators Remember that the UitraNavGPS orany GPS...
Page 4: ...NOTES PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Page 5: ...unit Youcan thurtitby pressing buttons Readthismanual andtakeitwithyouthefirstfewtimesyouuseyourunit Itmakesagreatreference shouldyou need it Themoreyouknowwhen you gettothewater themoreyourUItraNavGPScan do foryou MOUNTING Install the UltraNIavGPSin any convenient location provided there is clearance behind theunitwhenitistiltedforthebestviewing angle Holes inthebracket baseallowwoodscreworthroug...
Page 6: ...batteryorpowerbuss attach one end of thefuse holderdirectlyto the batteryor powerbuss This will protectboththeunit and thepowercable intheeventof a short Thepowercablehasthreewires red white andblack Redisthepositive lead blackis negative orground Thewhitewire isusedforthe NMEA interface Tousethisfeature attach ashielded twistedpaircablefromthe autopilotorothermarineequipment sNMEAinterface tothew...
Page 7: ...flat surface or withthesupplied adapter on a pole Mount the module in an areathat guaranteesa clearview of the skyat alltimes In orderforthe moduleto receive the signals from thesatellites itmustnot be obstructed An ideal location is on acabin roof or deck The gunnels also make a good location Attaching the pole mounting adapter lets you installthe module on a one inch mast A high location is pref...
Page 8: ...backside of the mountingsurface use the cleats suppliedwith the UltraNavGPS Note This is assuming you can snake the module s cableto alocation that is accessable A hole will still need to be drilledinthemountingsurface for the cable Using thegasket as atemplate mark and drillthe 9 16 hole for the cable Attachthe cableto the module and drop the other end of the cablethroughthegasket anddownthehole ...
Page 9: ...H VLW DistanceTravelled LOG NM fl o Myl ANDmtL FOLJRRAES I I sa rr PoleMount First thread the pole mounting adapter onto the mounting pole or ratchetbase Align the polemounting adapter sothe module will face the bow of the boat Install and tighten the set screw into the pole mountingadapter andtightenitsecurely Thisshouldpreventthe GPS module fitmunscrewing fromthepole Place thegasketontothepole m...
Page 10: ...rmat can be either 12 hour AM or PM or 24 hour 2 00 pm 14 00 Whentheunit is first turned on or afterit spreset thetimeformatis12hour To changeto 24 hourformat pressthe MENU key then press the key adjacent to the CHANGE SETUP label Nowpressthekey nexttothe MORE labeluntil the 24HOUR labelappears Pressthekeynexttothatlabel The UitraNavGPS will showthetime in 24 hourformatonallscreenswithatimedisplay...
Page 11: ...turnsthe Ultraon OFF Press and HOLDthe OffkeytoturntheUltraNavGPS off SONAR ThiskeyswitchestheUltraNJavGPS fromthe GPSmodetothe sonar mode GPS Pressthis keytoswitchtotheGPS mode PLOTTER Theplotterappears whenthis keyispressed WAYPTSAVE Press thiskeyto saveawaypoint WAYPTRECALL Thiskey activates thewaypoint recallmenus Note TheSonar GPS Plotter WaypointSaveandWaypoint Recallkeys arealsousedas softk...
Page 12: ...dard safety measures totryandrescuetheperson Ifyoulose sightoftheperson you canusetheUltraNavGPStoinitiate asearch pattern Onceyou rebackatthe helm afterinitial rescue effortshavefailed press the UUraNavGPS Waypoint Quicksave key This instantly stores your presentpositionin memory Now press the Waypoint Recallkey The position you just saved is displayed on thescreen Now press the key adjacenttothe...
Page 13: ...stotheiroriginal factory settings This resets the unitsof measure speakervolume automatic modeonthesonarside displaycontrast andmore Thisdoesn t erase any waypoints or routes however To presettheunit presstheMENU keyuntil the PRESETUNIT label appears Pressthekeyadjacentto thatlabel Themenu screendisappears andtheUltraNavOPS returnstothe GPSpositionscreen All unitswillbe returned totheirfactorysett...
Page 14: ...sitionoffsetisN 00 05 384 W 00 00 608 Press the MENU key then press the key adjacent to the CHANGE SETUP label Nowpressthekeyadjacentto the MORE label until the ENTER PCF OFFSET labelappears Pressthekeyadja centtothat label Thescreen shown at right appears r Nowenterthedifferencebetween yourposition andthechart slocation in latitude and longitude Thescreen shown below appears next Toincreasethesen...
Page 15: ...ortheseellipsoids is datum Toreducetheerrorfactor between datum theUltraNavGPS givesyouthe capability to moveor offset theposition shownonthedisplaytomatch one shown on the chart Theunitadds thisoffsetto all positiondisplays GRAYLINE GRAYLINE lets you distinguish between strongandweak echoes It paints grayontargetsthatare strongerthanapresetvalue Thisallows youtotellthedifferencebetween ahard ands...
Page 16: ...lite the S appears Once it s locked on to the satellite thenthe T appears The examplescreen on theprevious pagehaschannels 1 2 and4tracking 3 issearching and 5is idle BeneaththeSatelliteInfodisplayisthelistofsatellites thatarevisablefrom yourlocation Theyare listed bytheirsatellite number To exitfromthesatellite infoscreen press the CLEARkey ENGINEERING SCREEN The UltraNavGPS letsyouviewthe Diluti...
Page 17: ...and visible satel lites TheUltraNavOPShasafive channelreceiver _________________ Thechannel number appearsatthedisplay s ZOOM Enlarging or zooming thepicture is a commonmethodusedto show small detail and fish signals The UltraNavGPS givesyoutwodifferent zoom sizes plus asplitscreen zoom option The zoomoperation and adjustment is different inthe automatic and manual modes ZOOM AUTOMATIC MODE Tozoom...
Page 18: ...esiredrouteshows on thedisplay pressthekeyadjacenttothe SELECT label Theroutemenu screen shown inthe middle ofthe previous page appears To erase the setected route press thekeyadjacenttothe ERASE ROUTE label The UltraNavGPS returns tothelast used GPSorplotterdisplay Theroute is now erased frommemory CANCELNAVIGATION To stoptheUttraNavGPS fromnavigating onarouteorto awaypoint use theCancel Navigati...
Page 19: ...aypoint intheroute Thisrepeats untilyou vetravelled toallofthewaypoints in the route RTE 01 030105 rN TELE LJ flOU 0UTE rRTE FORWARD BjD ROUTE MENU RTE 01 01 05 WPT 03 flaEE t I I I1MWi SELECT A ROUTE ROUTESELECT SCREEN the key adjacentto the CLEAR label Thereare eight sonar menus accessible with the menu key The menu key showsdifferentmenus depending onwhichmode the unitis in Forexample itasonars...
Page 20: ...the TurnFish IDOff label OrpresstheAUTO key Thisturnsthe FishID featureand automatic offatthesametime ToturntheFish1 0 featureonagain firstpressthemenukey Next press 1 Nowpressthekeynexttothe EDITROUTE label The screen shown below right ap pears Thisisthe waypoint selection menu Thisletsyouchoosewhichwaypoints areto be placedinyourroute The firstwaypoint s numberand locationappears inthecenterof t...
Page 21: ...n Iftherearewaypoints storedinthe route they will appear beneath the route number Oncethedesired route number displaysatthetopofthescreen pressthe keynexttothe SELECT label Thescreen shownatthetopofthe nextpage appears RTE 01 140 IIJPTS IN ROUTE N TS thekeyadjacenttothe Turn Fish l D On label Themenu immediately disappearsandthesonar screen returns Echoeswill continue toscroll acrossthe screen how...
Page 22: ...rasea Waypoint Although youcanstore alocation underawaypoint numberthathasalready hadalocationassignedtoit theWaypointQuicksave featurewoni Itonly assigns empty waypointnumbers to locations Therefore theWaypoint Erase featureletsyou erase positions fromthewaypoint table AUTO I 93FT Toerase awaypoint firstpress theWAYPTSAVE key thenpress thekey adjacent to the ERASE A WPT label The ________________...
Page 23: ...teryou veenteredthelastnum ber a new screen automatically appears Pressthekeyadjacenttothe N STOGGLE to switchthe latitude from north to south Pressthekeyadjacenttothe W ETOGGLE _______________ to switchthelongitude fromwestto east If thepositionshown atthetopofthe screen is correct pressthekeynexttothe FINISHED totheSETSHAL DEEP label Youcannow adjustthebottomofthezone alarm barusingthekeys adjac...
Page 24: ...ks show in the ________ latitude longitudewindow Beneaththisloca ___________ tion is your present position Ifyouwishto savethis location underthis waypoint num ___________________ ber simply press the key adjacent to the ENTER label To exit without saving the __________________ location presstheCLEAR key VIEW sAvEWAYPOINT SCREEN To save the locationundera different waypoint number press the key ad...
Page 25: ...rned on forthefirsttimemagnetic is used To switchtotrue presstheMENU key thenpressthekeyadjacenttothe CHANGESETUP label Now press the MENU key two times The SELECT TRUE BEARING label is on this page Finally pressthekey adjacent to the SELECT TRUE BEARING label Thiswillcauseallnavigation displays to showinformation indegrees true Toswitchbackto magnetic repeat the above steps The menu now reads SEL...
Page 26: ...available plotradiiare 05 10 25 50 1 2 5 10 20 50 and 100miles Thisletsyou zoom in to see small variations in your course or zoom out to see your starting position presentposition track course and destination Plot Update The plottershows your trackby drawing a solid line behind yourpresentposition The positionis updated onceeverytwo seconds whentheunitisturnedonforthefirsttime To changetheupdatera...
Page 27: ...he unitreturns totheplotterscreenafterthe key is pressed Toselectthe digital displaysmenu first press the menu key threetimes Next press thekey adjacentto the SELECT DIGITALDISPLAYS menu atthetopof thescreen Ascreen similartotheoneat right appears Now pressthe key adjacent to thede sireddisplay For example to turnthe temperature display on press the key adjacent tothe TEMP IS OFF label Onceyou do ...
Page 28: ... starting location present position anddestination However you donot haveto recall a waypoint to usetheplotter To usetheplotter simplypressthePLOTkey Ascreensimilartotheone below appears _____________________ The flashingcross is yourpresent position Thesolidlineisyourtrack or path you have just traveled The circleis acompass rose markedwith North South East and West The circle sradiusdisplaysatth...
Page 29: ...de ALT Fix time ofday TIME today sdate DATE and waterdepth DEPTH Pleasenotethat altitude is also affected by __________ the ellipsoidused by the GPS to calculate positionand altitude Errors intheAltitude displaycanbeaffected byboth ellipsoidandhighlevelsofSA SeethePCFandAccuracysections inthis manual formoreinformation SONARMENU PAGE4 UNITS or MEASURE ARE IN BACKLIGHTS TheUltraNavGPS hasinternalli...
Page 30: ...llthelatitude longitude filterinthe receiverisworking Thebestfixnumberisnine 9 theworstis one 1 Asthefixnumberdecreases theposition s jitter increases Jitter isthesmall positionchanges around alocation Inotherwords ifyou hold theboatperfectly still you llseethe position displayedonthe unit jump around Verysmall position changes willconstantlyoccur Thisis called jitter it s normalandhappens inall e...
Page 31: ... and thousandths ofaminute Forexample onthis page the present position is 31 degrees 8 642 minutes latitude The longitude is 82 POSITION SCREEN SONAR MENU PAGE 6 DIGITALSONAR When theUItraNavGPS is turned onfor thefirsttime thedigitaldepthdisplay is locatedatthetopleftcornerofthescreen Thisdisplaycomesfromaseparatedigi tal sonarbuilt intothe unit It displays only the bottom depth If it loses the b...
Page 32: ...m embedded in the UltraNavGPS s computer that continually monitors the signals from the receiver Itdetermines which echoesare noise rejects them allowing target echoes to bedisplayed withaminimum ofscreen clutter Thisfeatureisespecially useful since it typicallyallowsyoutooperate the boatatall speedswithoutadjusting thesensitivity When theUltraNavGPS isfirstturnedon ASPisenabled Toturn ASPoff pres...
Page 33: ...edtoenterthenumbers 35 thenpress thekeyadjacenttothe 1 labeltochange itto 35feet After this step is completed theUItraNavGPSswitches totheTime Dateentry screen Thisisthelast initialization screen FT SurfaceClarityControl orSOC reduces oreliminatesundesired signals fromthedisplay SOCvariesthesensitivity ofthereceiver decreasingit near the surface and graduallyincreasing it as the range increases Ty...
Page 34: ... the Ad Display label A new menu appears lettingyouusethekeysonthe leftsideofthescreentoadjustthecontrast To keepthedisplay andkeyboard lights on press the key adjacent to the Lamp On label To removethis menu simply press the CLEAR key Now press the GPS key The screen shown belowappears next Initial Position Screen This is the Initial Position Screen presentposition in latitude longitude Use a cha...
Page 35: ...hecone istheconeangle Eagleoffersachoice oftransducers witheither an8or20 degree cone angle Thetransducersupplied withtheUltraNavGPS hasa20 degree cone angle Typically wide coneangletransducers 20 degrees are idealfor operating in shallow to medium waterdepths The 20 degree coneangle allowsyouto seemoreoftheunderwater world In 15feet ofwaterthe20degreeconecovers an areaaboutsixfeet across The 8 de...
Page 36: ... devised Conceived by the Department of Defense DOD andtheUnitedStates military theGPSsystemisananswer totheir needs of24hourglobal positioning 365 daysayear Basically thesystemworks by usingaconstellation ofsatellites orbiting Earth 11 000 miles inspace There willbe 21 satellites in orbit whenthe systemisfullyoperational Threemoresatelliteswillactasspares foratotal of24 Whenall satellites are in ...
Page 37: ...TELLITEINFORMATION SCREEN 60 ENGINEERING SCREEN 61 TURNNAVIGATION OFF CANCEL NAV 62 CHANGING STARTUP SETTINGS 62 PCFOFFSET 62 NMEACOMMUNICATION 64 PRESET 64 MANOVERBOARD 65 GPS MODULE SELF TEST 66 GPSSIMULATOR 66 SPECIFICATIONS 67 FISH ARCHES Fish arches are createdwhenthecone of sound passesover afish The distanceto a fish when the cone first strikes it is shown as A below When the centerof theco...
Page 38: ...layfish arches Ifyou seefishsignals whenthe unit is inthemanual mode but don t get fish symbols when the Fish l D feature is on try increasing the sensitivity WARNING USE THIS GPS RECEIVER ONLY AS AN AID TO NAVIGATION A CAREFULNAVIGATOR NEVER RELIES ONONLYONEMETHOD TO OBTAINPOSITION INFORMATION CAUTION This GPS receiver like all GPS navigation equipment will show the shortest most direct pathtoawa...
Page 39: ...rateserratically 1 Electrical noise fromtheboat smotor trollingmotor oranaccessory maybe interferingwiththesonarunit Re routingthepowerandtransducercables away fromotherelectricalwiringon the boatmayhelp Route thesonarunit spower cabledirectlytothebatteryinstead ofthroughafuse blockor ignition switch 2 Inspectthetransducercableforbreaks cuts orpinchedwires 3 Checkboth the transducer andpowerconnec...
Page 40: ...oseefisharches Iftheboat ismotionless fishstayInthecone showing onthedisplayasstraighthorizontal lines ELECTRICALNOISE Amajorcauseofsonarproblemsiselectrical noise Thisusuallyappearsonthe sonar sdisplayas random patternsofdots or lines in severecases it can completelycoverthescreen withblackdots orcausetheunitoperateerraticly ornotatall Toeliminateorminimize the effects ofelectrical noise firsttry...