PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor
Page 1: ...ish PracticewiththeunitinboththeFish 0 modeandwithouttobecome morefamiliarwiththe Fish l D feature WhentheUltraIII isturnedon theFish l D feature isautomaticallyturned on also Toturnthe Fish I D feature off press the menu key thenpress the key adjacent to the Turn Fish ID Off label Or press theAUTOkey ThisturnstheFish 1 0 feature andautomatic offatthesametime Toturn theFishI D feature onagain firs...
Page 2: ...sagraphical indication ofthe level After you vemade the adjustment press the CLEAR keyto erase the menu CHARTSPEED The rate echoes scroll across the screen is called the chart speed It s adjustable by first pressing the menu key then pressing the key adjacent to the ADJUST CHARTSPEED label The chart speed menu appearsat the bottom of the screen Increase the chart speedbypressing the rightar rowkey...
Page 3: ...ess theMENUkeytwice then press thekeyadjacent tothe TURN DIGITAL BOXOFF label Repeattheabove stepstoturntheboxon ALARMMUTE When eithertheshallow ordeep alarmistriggered anaudiotonesounds Adifferenttone soundsforthe shallowthan thedeepalarm thuslettingyou know which alarm issounding withoutlookingatthe unit Oncea depth alarm istriggered itkeepssoundinguntilyouchangedepth Forexample iftheshallowalar...
Page 4: ...hallower than the shallow DEEP alarm s setting ordeeper than ________________ ____________ the deep alarm s setting For _____________________ example ifyousettheshallow ______ alarm totenfeet thealarm will ________ sound atoneifthebottom sig _________ nal is less than ten feet It will continuetosounduntilyoumute _________ it or until the bottom goes _____ _______________________ deeperthan 10feet ...
Page 5: ...ealarm baronthescreenallofthetime see the Display Zone Alarm Bar sectioninthis manualforinstructions pressthemenukeythreetimes Nowpressthe key adjacent to the TURN CHARTCURSOR OFF label TheUltraIll returns tothesonarscreenwithoutthe chart cursor DISPLAYZOOM BAR When the unit is in the zoom mode the zoom bar doesn t normally show on thescreen The zoom barshowsthesec tionofwaterontherightsideof the ...
Page 6: ... istheZoneAlarmwhichconsistsofabar Anyechothatappearsinside this bartriggers the alarm Thelast alarmis calledthe DepthAlarm Onlythe bottomsignalwill triggerthisalarm This isuseful asananchorwatch ashallowwateralert orfor navigation To adjustanalarm first press the ALARMkey Thescreen shownbelow appears Pressthe keynextto the SET DEPTH ALARMS to adjustthe shallow ordeepdigital alarms Whenyoupress th...
Page 7: ...UTO keyto viewtheautomatic manual menu then press the AUTOkey again to switchit PresstheCLEAR keyto erase theAUTO MAN menu SELECTUNITS OFMEASURE TheUltraIllcandisplaythe waterdepth infeet fathoms ormeters surface watertemperature indegrees FahrenheitorCelsius speed instatute miles per hour kilometers per hour or knots and distance log in miles kilometers ornautical miles Note OnlytheUltraIll Plus ...
Page 8: ...heASPfeature off Thisallowsyoutoviewallincoming echoes before theyare processed by theASPfeature Tochange theASPlevel pressthe MENU keyfivetimes Then press the keynexttothe ADJUST LEVEL OFCHARTASP labeluntil thedesired levelisobtained Yourunithasthe unique abilitytoviewtargetsnotonlystraight down but also out to the left or right of the boat This requires the optional BroadViewTM transducer Thistr...
Page 9: ...assoon astheUltraNav II isturned on Toresetthedistance logtozero presstheMENU keyuntilthe CLEAR DISTANCELOG labelappears then pressthekeyadjacenttothat label SIGNALINTERPRETATION Your Ultra Ill givesan accurate picture of the bottom that your boat is passing Abottomoffirm sand gravel shell orhardclayreturns afairly widesignal Iftheautomaticmode isoffandthesignal narrowsdown then itmeansthatyouhave...
Page 10: ...eUltraIllgivesyoucontrolovertherangewhen it sinthemanual mode Tochangetherange firstmake certaintheUltraIllisinthemanual mode Next pressthe RANGE key Therangeadjustment menu appears inthe lower rightcornerof thedisplay Press the up or down arrow keys to decreaseorincreasetherange The available ranges are 0 5 _____________________ 10 20 30 40 60 100 150 Il I8 3 200 300 500 800 and 1000 feet Afterth...
Page 11: ...n the chart record as it scrolls When the sensitivity isatthedesired level release the key Todecrease the sensitivity level pressthekeyadjacenttothe leftarrow Thebargraphand percentagewilldecrease When thesensitivity isatthe desired level release the key When you reach eitherthe maximum or minimum limit atone sounds To turnthemenus off press the key adjacent totheCLEAR key atthe bottom left side o...
Page 12: ...ful anglersonanybodyofwaterarethosewhofishitday afterday and yearafteryear Eventually they learn the hot spots that producefishconsistently Theydiscover through experiencewhere and atwhatdepth theycanexpecttofindthefishtheywantatanyseason And they realizethat these productive areas change throughout the year depending onwaterlevel temperature food andotherfactors Withthe Ultra III anyonecanelimina...
Page 13: ...e rightside sonarchartwindow the screen willclearand youwill have a new menu with selections such as ADJUST CHART SPEED and ADJUSIGRAY LINE asshownatleft Press ingthekeynexttothe MORE label shows other window menusthatletyouchangethe unitsofmeasure orotherfea tures The mostefficientwayto become acquainted withabodyofwateristo surveyitwithyourUltraIll Start withamap ofthe lake ifpossible and indica...
Page 14: ...e display 3 Thewatermaybedeeper thanthesonar sabilitytofindthebottom If thesonarcan tfindthebottomsignalwhileit sintheautomatic mode the MENUS The Ultra III uses menus ex tensivelytoguide youthrough thefunctionsand features of the unit The menu key ac cesses many of these fea tures allowing youtocustom ize theunitto yourparticular needs and waterconditions Although you may have to leaveonemenuande...
Page 15: ...abottom signal shouldappear 4 Checkthe batteryvoltage Ifthevoltagedrops theunit stransmitter poweralso drops reducing its abilityto findthebottomortargets Bottom echo disappearsathighspeedsorerraticdigitalreading or weakbottomecho whileboatismoving 1 Thetransducermaybe in turbulent water It must be mounted ina smooth flowofwaterin orderforthesonartoworkatallboatspeeds Air bubbles inthewaterdisrupt...
Page 16: ...ugs alternator filters or routing the sonar unit s powercable awayfrom enginewiring Again routing the power cable directlyto the battery helps eliminate noise problems Make certain to usethein linefusesupplied withthe unitwhen wiring the powercabletothebattery When nonoiseappears onthesonarunitafterall oftheabove tests then the noise source is probablycavitation Manynovices or persons with limited...
Page 17: ... bracket helps prevent damage ifthetransducer strikes an objectwhile the boatis moving If the transducer does kick up thebracketcaneasilybe pushed backin placewithouttools Readthe enclosed transducer installation manual carefullybefore at tempting the installation Determine whichofthemounting positions is right for yourboat Useextreme care if mounting the transducer inside the hull since once it i...
Page 18: ...batteriesoveran openflameordirecthotairontothem A fireorexplosion couldresult PORTABLETRANSDUCER ASSEMBLY Assemblethe transducer and bracket as shown below Attach the transducer tothebracketwiththesupplied hardware Makecertainthere isonewasheroneachsideofthetransducer insidethebracket Slidethe otherwasherovertheendofthe boltandthreadthenutonto it Screwthe suctioncupontothebracketusingthesupplied s...
Page 19: ...thebatterycontacts Also checkthewiring connections ontheD cellbattery adapter The red wire onthepower cableshould beattached tothe red wire ontheD cellbatteryadapter andthepowercable s black wire shouldbeconnected totheblackwireontheD cell batteryadapter Ifitstill doesn t work checkthebatteryvoltage Mostofthecomplaints we ULTRA IllPORTABLEASSEMBLY P DEPTH I I FEET I 45 2 d I F I 65 4 sg a 0 29 36 ...
Page 20: ...ed or handled in a manner other than accordingto the instructions furnished withthe product 3 whenany serial numberhas beeneffaced altered orremoved or 4 when anydefect problem loss ordamage has resulted fromany accident misuse negligence orcarelessness orfrom anyfailure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance inaccordance withtheinstructions ofthe owner smanualforthe product We reserve th...
Page 21: ...llPOWER CONNECTIONS Please includeyourname address and daytime telephonenumber 4 Pleaseincludepaymentfornon warranty repairs Check money order Visa orMasterCard maybeused 5 Fill inyourname address zipcode date and PAnumber intheblanks provided onthe UPS formincluded withyourunit 6 Attach thelabeltotheshippingbox tearoffthetabforyourreceiptand give thepackage to any UPS driverortakethepackage to an...
Page 22: ...powercable hastwowires red andblack Red isthepositivelead black isnegativeorground Make certaintoattachthe in linefuseholdertothered leadasclosetothepowersource aspossible Forexample ifyouhavetoextendthepower cabletothebatteryorpower buss attachoneendofthefuseholderdirectlytothe batteryor powerbuss Thiswill protectboththeunitandthe power cableinthe event ofa short Boththe UltraIllandthe UltraIll P...
Page 23: ...nutsinside thecasetoholdthegimbal knobs ontotheunit Thesenutswillrattle whenyoushaketheunit It snormalfor thistohappenandshouldn tbeacauseforconcern This doesn taffectthe watertight integrityoftheunit The unitwon traffle whenit sinstalledwith thegimbal knobsontoits bracket MOUNTING Installthe Ultra Ill inanyconvenient location providedthereisclearance behind the unitwhenit is tilted for the bestvi...
Page 24: ...ow Atechnician maybeable tosolvetheproblemand saveyoutheinconvenienceofreturningyourunit Youwillbeasked foryourunitsserial number 800 324 1354 CanadaOnly Monday through Friday 8 00A M 8 00P M Central Time How to Obtain Service International Customers Only If you need service or repairs contact the dealer in the country you purchasedyour unit WARRANTYREPAIR WILLBEHONORED ONLY INTHECOUNTRY UNITWASPU...
Page 25: ...PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Page 26: ... warranty Eaglehasaflat rate repair policythat covers yourunit and accessories packed withtheunitatthe factory There isa180 day warrantyon all non warranty repairsfromthe factory whichis similarto the original warranty butisfor180daysratherthanoneyear Forfurther details pleasecall usattheabove number Eaglealso givesyoufreeUPSshipping fromanywhere inthecontinental UnitedStatesboth toandfromthefacto...