loss of balance and even collision. When riding es-
cooters you need to be vigilant and adhere to an
appropriate speed. Keep a safe distance from pe-
destrians and other vehicles. When riding on unfa-
miliar terrain, keep vigilant and to the appropriate
3. While riding the scooter, respect rights of pedes-
trians. Reduce speed when passing by them. If you
are moving in the same direction with pedestrians,
try to remain to the right side as much as possible
(for left-hand traffic countries) or the left side (for
right-hand traffic countries). If you are moving in
the opposite direction, remain on the correct side
and slow down.
4. Please strictly follow your countries road driving
law, and also strictly abide by escooter riding rules,
set out in instructions and safety recommenda-
tions. Violation of the above rules may result in fi-
nancial expenses, personal injury, occurrence of
traffic accidents, legal disputes, conflict and other
unpleasant situations. Our company does not bear
any direct or joint and several liability.
5. To avoid the risk of personal injury please ensure
you wear the appropriate safety equipment.
6. Please inspect the scooter carefully before each
use. If you find shattered parts, battery life has de-
creased dramatically, tyre leaks, there are signs of
excessive wear, uncharacteristic sounds when tur-
ning the scooter on or any other abnormal symp-
toms, please discontinue use of the scooter imme-
diately and contact a service provider.
7. Please carefully read all instructions in this manual
to minimize the potential risks.