Back-up memory:
...........Built-in memory stores sonar settings when
unit is turned off.
......................11 International languages.
......................83/200 kHz for FishEasy
250 DS; 50/200 kHz
for SeaFinder
250 DF.
...................FishEasy 250 DS: a compact Dual-Search
transducer with built-in tempera-
ture sensor is packed with the unit.
SeaFinder 250 DF: a dual-frequency Skim-
mer transducer with built-in temperature
sensor is packed with the unit.
................................SeaFinder 250 DS: 2,400 watts peak-to-peak;
300 watt RMS. FishEasy 250 DS: 1,500
watts peak-to-peak; 188 watts RMS.
Depth capability:
...........SeaFinder 250 DS: 1,300 feet (396 meters)
with 50 kHz. FishEasy 250 DS: to 1,000 feet
(305 meters) with 83 kHz. Actual capability
depends on transducer configuration and in-
stallation, bottom composition and water con-
ditions. All sonar units typically read deeper
in fresh water than in salt water.
Depth display:
................Continuous display.
Audible alarms:
Automatic ranging:
Auto bottom track:
Zoom bottom track:
Surface water temp: