Eagle FISH I.D. Installation Instructions Manual Download Page 4

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Summary of Contents for FISH I.D.

Page 1: ...FISH AND I D FISH I D PLUS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS 4 H I I LITHO IN U S A 988 0106 31 EAGI PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...

Page 2: ...akertargetsto bedisplayed Also called gain SCROLLSPEED SeeCHARTSPEED SHOOT ThROUGH HULL Atransducerinstallation whichallowsthe sonarsignalsto passthrough afiberglasshullwithoutcuffingaholein thehull SUPPRESSION A method used insomesonarunitsto helpeliminate interference or noise SURFACECLARITYCONTROL Reduces or eliminates undesirable signals displayed nearthe water ssurface Alsocalled SCC THERMOCL...

Page 3: ...ighqualitysonar designed forboth professional and novice users These units have an automatic feature that finds and displaysthebottomdepth fish and structure As you becomefamiliar with your Fish 1 0 you can fine tune the unit to the surrounding conditionstoget themostfromyoursonar Note All operatinginstructions fortheFish l D and Fish 1 0 Plus are the same exceptfor speedand temperature Onlythe Fi...

Page 4: ...on Eagle sonar units removes many false signals from other sonars acoustic and electrical sources and more FISHALARM Analarm thatactivates whenafishorsuspended object is detected r FROM SPEED TEMP SENSOR FISHl D PLUS FUSE HOLDER FISKLD 12VOLT BAIlERY FISK ARCH Asonarwith good resolution and definition candisplay suspended targetsas upsidedown Vees or arches Thesesignals are typicallyfish hence the...

Page 5: ...ebottomofthehull Markthetransominthecenterof each slot and drill a5 32 mounting hole Mountthesensorto thehull withthe screws providedwiththe sensor Use a good grade of caulking compoundto seal the screws Adjustthesenor so it is flushwiththe undersideofthehull and tighten thescrews GLOSSARY ANCHOR WATCH A settingof the sonar unit s alarm The alarm activates whenthe boat drifts into shalloweror deep...

Page 6: ... bluegill and bass Mostbali fish concentratewithinfive feetofthesurface where sunlight promotesthegrowthof the plankton on whichtheyfeed One method of fishing isto usetheunittofindthe baitfish first Aschool of baitfish will look likea cloud on theunit sdisplay Usually gamefish willbe nearby often directlybeneaththeschool of baitfish HOWTOOBTAINSERVICE Ifyou haveaproblemwithyoursonar unit please gi...

Page 7: ... on the areas where fish are likely to be Even if ft sthefirsttime on the lake The mostefficientwaytobecomeacquainted witha bodyofwateristo surveyit with yourunit Startwith a mapof the lake ifpossible and indicate thepromising spots inrelation to landmarks on shore As you go about yoursurvey yourunitwilltell youthedepth andtypeof bottom It will alsoreveal suspendedfish Keepafewmarkerbuoys in the b...

Page 8: ...n streamsthat get too warm Bass andotherfisheventuallydieoutwhenstocked inlakes that remain toocold duringthe summer Whilesome fish have awidertemperature tolerancethan others each hasacertain range withinwhich it triesto 1MODE 1 i 111j TheFish l D hasfive different screens or modes of op eration The Fish 1 0 Plus has seven Usethis key to switchbetween modes 1 FISH l D J This key turnstheFishl D f...

Page 9: ...ings It will moveupwhen the sensitivity is increased You ll also see the change on the display After you ve finishedsetting thesensitivity level theletters SENS andthesensitiv ity barwill disappear aftereight seconds A B C Verysmall fishprobablywill not archatall Medium sizedfishwillshow apartial arch or a shapesimilarto an arch if they re in deepwater Largefishwill arch butturnthesensitivity upin...

Page 10: ...Yourunitgivesanaccuratepicture ofthebottomthatyourboatis pass ing A bottomof firm sand gravel shell or hardclay returns awide bottom signal Iftheautomaticfeature is offand thebottomsignalnar rows then it means that you havemoved overamud bottom Mud absorbs the sound wave and returns a weak signal Turn up the sensitivity to seeabetterbottomsignal Big rocks or stumpson asmooth bottomsendbacksignals ...

Page 11: ...D Atpoweron thechartspeed scrolls at a presetspeed Tochangethe speed presstheCHART SPEED key Theword CHART willflashon the right side ofthedisplay A verticalbar will also appearontheleft sideofthescreen Thisindicates the currentchartspeed Next press the up arrow key if you wishto increasethechart speed Press the down arrow key to decreaseit When thechart reachesthe desired speed release thekey The...

Page 12: ...woexceptionstothis rule 1 Ifyou reonthe0 15 rangeand press thezoomkey thenew range will be10 15 2 Thereis no zoom onthe0 5 range To change the zoom range first press the ZOOM key The word ZOOM flashes onthe right side of the screen Now press the up arrow or the down arrow key to increase or decreasethezoom size Forexample iftherangeis0 60feet pressing theZOOM keychanges the rangeto 30 60feet While...

Page 13: ...yshiftsthe range up inone foot increments Forexample if theunit is onthe0 60 foot range and the manual mode ison pressing thezoomkey thenthe down arrowkey oncewill movethe30 60 rangeto 31 61 Thebest way to use this feature is to changetherangeto a smallerone then pressthe zoomkey shiftthe range untilthearea is displayedthat you wantzoomed Forexample ifthebottomdepthis50 feet andyouwish to enlarget...

Page 14: ...tryincreasingthesensitivity NOTE The Fish 1 0 fea ture cannot distinguish between fish and other suspendedobjects such asturtles treebranches trotlines submerged floats orotherinanimate objects Themicro com puter in this unit is so phisticated but it canbe fooled Themostdifficult challenge is individual tree branchesextending out from groups of branches Thesecanbe mis identified as fish by the Fis...

Page 15: ...turnstheFishl D featureoffatthesametime Thedigitalremainson To returnthe unitto theautomatic mode presstheAUTO key again This will resetthe sensitivity soyoumaywishto increase itto seefish or otherdetail Thiswillnotturn the Fishl D featureon Youwill have to presstheFish 1 0 keytoturn it on ALARMS The unit hastwodifferent alarms achart alarm and FishAlarm The chartalarm consistsofabarthat displays ...

Page 16: ... press theCHARTALARMkey thenmove thebottomofthebarallthewayto its shallowest positionusingtheup arrowkey FISHALARM UsetheFISHALARM foradistinctiveaudiblealarmwhen fish orother susupended objectsare detected bytheFISH 1 0 feature Pressthe FISH I D and the AUTOkeys at the sametime The words FISH ALARM displaysat the bottom right side of the screen The audible alarm sounds each time the Fish I D feat...
