1) Blocking the wheel, then loosen the wheel nuts
2) Use a jack to lift the vehicle, and then remove the wheel nuts and the wheel.
To install a wheel on the vehicle:
1) U s e a j a c k t o l i f t t h e v e h i c l e ,
a n d t h e n
p u t t h e w h e e l o n t o t h e w h e e l h u b w i t h l u g
2) F i n g e r t i g h t e n t h e l u g n u t s , t h e n t i g h t e n l u g n u t s t o 5 0 - 8 5 f t . l b s . ( 7 0 - 1 1 5 N m ) i n
20ft.lbs.(30Nm) increments following the ‘cross sequence’ pattern
3) Remove the jack.
If the tire is flat, remove the wheel and inflate the tire to the maximum recommended
pressure for the tire. Immerse the tire in water to locate the leak and mark with chalk.
Place tire plug according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Brake Adjustment
If you have any problem with the brakes, please consult our dealers. Brake failure
can result in serious accident or physical danger.
1. step on the brake pedal with a force of about 30kgf several times, the pedal travel
does not exceed 2/3 of the total pedal travel.
2. The brake pad is automatically adjusted. The hand parking level should be locked on
a tooth between 5 and 10 ratchets when it is be pulled under the tension of
20kgf, then the wheel should be able to lock effectively. When the level is fully released to
original positino, the parking brake action is released.
3. Regularly check and replace the brake shoes and add the brake drum bearing