1. Mount 1225 into control panel.
2. Connect RJ-31X cord from RJ-31X block to PI.
3. Connect P2 to control panel phone connections.
4. Run cable from 1225 to Eagle 2170 speaker/microphone location.
5. Connect cable from the Eagle 2170 to P3.
6. Mount one Eagle Model 2170 speaker/microphone.
7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 with a second Model 2170 if desired except connecting 2170 to P4.
8. If desired, connect external siren driver to Green and Blue wires OR connect alarm + 12V output to the GREEN wire
(or ground output to the YELLOW wire).
9. Set option selection switches.
3.2 OPTION SWITCH DESCRIPTION (6 position DIP switch).
The Eagle Model 1225 has many modes of operation. It can be custom configured for each installation. The following
is a description of each of the option setting switches.
SW1 - ON = Demo/test Mode.
OFF = Normal operating mode.
Switch 1 should be used in the OFF position for almost all installations. This switch is only used to facilitate
demonstration of the system to prospecting users.
SW2 - ON = Activate immediately with the trigger input (Line-hold mode).
OFF = Set up the ring detector to answer after one ring.
When SW2 is in the ON position, the system will activate immediately with the trigger input. (This occurs when the
digital communicator is shut down with a kiss-off from the Central Station.) A trip from the communicator/control panel
or the auto trigger is required.
When SW2 is in the OFF position a trigger input will activate a five (5) minute window. The 1225 will answer the phone
line as soon as it sees one ring within this window. The system will ignore any invalid phone calls (see section 4.2).
When the five minute window expires, the system will ignore all phone calls.
SW3 - ON = Positive edge trigger on trigger input.
OFF = Negative edge trigger on trigger input.
When SW3 is in the ON position, the system will interface with digital communicators that provide a trigger input that
is at 1.5 VDC or less when NOT reporting and switch to 2.5 VDC or greater when reporting.
When SW3 is in the OFF position, the system Will interface with digital communicators that provide a trigger input that
is at 2.5 VDC or greater when NOT reporting and switch to 1.5 VDC or less when reporting.
P/N 119511 Rev.2