Copyright © 2009-2010 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC
Page 10
Safety Mode Wizard
Before running the Safety Mode wizard, ensure your model’s motor is disconnected or otherwise disabled. NOTE: only run the Safety Mode
Wizard when your model is on the ground! Each screen of the safety mode wizard requiring you to make an adjustment to your radio is timed, and
remains on the screen for approximately 10 seconds. Ensure that you have completed the adjustment before the timer counts to 0, and make sure that
you hold the adjustment until the next screen appears. If you make a mistake during the Safety Mode wizard, just run it again later.
Read RTH Manual/Click SELECT: Ensure that you have fully read this manual, and then click the Aux2/Select switch.
DISCONNECT MOTOR / Click SELECT: Ensure that you have disconnected your motor, and click the Aux2/Select switch.
Set Sticks for level flight: Set your aileron/rudder, elevator, and throttle stick positions where you typically set them for level flight, and hold
them there until the next screen appears. Note that if you are using Failsafe Safety Mode, the aileron/rudder and elevator positions you choose in
this step become the positions the OSD Pro will use for failsafe mode.
Turn Transmitter off now: Turn your transmitter off, and leave it off until the next screen appears.
Turn Transmitter back on now: Turn your transmitter back on.
Mov Rudder/Aileron Stick Left: Move your Rudder/Aileron stick to the position you use for making a normal left turn. Don’t give more left
stick than you would do normally during flight! The OSD Pro’s RTH function will never exceed this the rudder/aileron left turn position, or the
corresponding right turn position, when it attempts to steer the model. So, the amount of left stick you supply will set the maximum throw of the
aileron/rudder during RTH. NOTE: during this step, the OSD Pro also examines the elevator position. If your radio is programmed for elevator
aileron mixing, it will be detected during this step, and a proportional amount of up elevator will be applied during RTH turns. If your radio does
not do this mixing, but you desire RTH to provide up elevator when turning, move your elevator stick to the desired amount of climb
(corresponding to full Aileron/rudder stick left) during this step.
Mov Elev TX STICK Down(Climb): Move the Elevator stick downwardly, to the position you would use for normal climb. Don’t give more
down stick (climb) than you would do normally during flight! Note that this step results in up-elevator. The OSD Pro’s RTH function will
never exceed this elevator up position, or the corresponding elevator down position, when it attempts to climb or descend the model. So, the
amount of down stick you supply will set the maximum throw of the elevator during RTH.
Set Throttle for Motor Off: Set the Throttle stick to the position which turns off the motor. Note that if you are using Failsafe Safety Mode, the
throttle position you choose in this step becomes the position the OSD Pro will use for the throttle when in failsafe mode. IMPORTANT: note
that if RTH is invoked, and the GPS signal is not adequate, the OSD Pro will set your throttle to this position. Therefore, if your model is
on the ground, and you turn off your transmitter or test RTH, your throttle could be put in the Motor Off position. If full motor off is not
chosen for the Motor Off position, your motor will start!
Set Throttle for Climbing: Set the Throttle stick to the position you would normally use for climbing the model.
Wizard complete. Click SELECT: This is the last page of the wizard. Click the Aux2/Select switch to return to the Safety Configuration Menu.
GPS and Waypoint Settings Menu
This menu page lets you configure GPS and waypoint settings.
Display Lat-Lon Position: This item lets you choose when latitude/longitude position is displayed on the main screen. The choices are:
Never: position is never displayed
Trouble: position is displayed when the RTH or Failsafe safety modes are invoked, or if an alarm has been triggered
Low Alt: position is displayed for Trouble, and additionally if the model’s altitude is less than the setting you made in the
“Cruise Altitude” item in the Configure Safety Mode menu
Distance: position is displayed for Trouble, Low Alt, and additionally if the distance of the model from home exceeds the Maximum
“RADAR Radius” item in the Configure OSD Display menu.
Always: position information is always displayed
Enable RADAR Display: Select YES to enable the RADAR feature, described earlier in the manual.
RADAR Up Direction (Degrees): This parameter sets the UP direction of the RADAR feature. For example, if you fly your model so that your
body is facing 15 degrees N, you would set this to 15. This results in the RADAR icon flying up on the OSD Pro main screen when you are flying
the model in the direction you are facing. Normally, the runway is perpendicular to the direction you are facing.
Set RADAR Maximum Radius: This sets the maximum radius for the RADAR and Waypoint display. Set this to the maximum distance away
from home that you typically fly. For example, if you normally fly a maximum of 5000 feet away from home in any direction, set this to 5000. If
your model exceeds this distance, the RADAR icon will change from normal video to reverse video, to indicate you are out of range. Likewise, if
you have defined waypoints that exceed this maximum radius, they will be displayed in reverse video.
Show Waypoints on RADAR: Set this to YES if you want to display the waypoints you entered in the Windows Setup Utility on the main
display screen.
Set Minimum Satellite Count: Set this to a non-zero value if you wish to specify the minimum number of satellites that must be in view, before
the Home location and altitude are finalized. This setting is useful if you find that, in your area, the GPS module initially reports somewhat
invalid altitude or position information until a certain number of satellites are in view.
Require 3D GPS Fix: Set this to YES if you wish to wait until a 3D GPS fix is attained, before the Home location and altitude are finalized. If
you are using GPS altitude rather than a barometric altitude sensor, this generally should be set to YES, as GPS altitude will not usually be accurate
unless a 3D fix is attained.
Set Maximum HDOP: Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) is a measure of the GPS Expander’s fix quality. The lower this number, the
better the fix. The HDOP can vary with a variety of factors, including the position of the satellites in view relative to each other. As a very
general rule, HDOP less than 2.0 is highly desirable. HDOP less than 1.3 is desirable, but may not always be attainable. The default value of 9.9
essentially turns this check off. If you wish for a certain quality of fix to be attained before the Home location and altitude are finalized, set this to
a value lower than 9.9.
Distance to Pilot as LOS?: Set this to YES if you want the Line of Sight distance (computed using altitude as well as ground distance) displayed
with the Distance To Pilot display. Set it to NO if you want the ground distance.
Seconds to Wait post GPS Fix: Set this to a non-zero value if you wish to specify the number of seconds that must elapse after the GPS acquires
its first fix, before the Home location and altitude are finalized.