Hardware Reference and Operational Manual: RemoteBox
Page 15
Section 3
Operating the RemoteBox is very straight forward. The device has a 2 line by 16
character LCD display. For models “2x” models each radio output (Radio A and B)
will present the following information:
An te nn a Se le ctio n M o de
F ocu s a ctive
An te n na Se le cte d
An te n na Na m e
Antenna Selection Mode: It shows the mode (AUTO or MAN) for manual or
automatic (i.e. using Band Data)
Active Focus: An asterisk (*) will indicate the Radio focus for Radio A or B.
Focus on a specific Radio implies that any manual change will affect that
particular radio.
Selected Antenna: This will show the selected antenna (1 through 12) used
for each radio (RA or RB). RA5 shows that Radio A is using Antenna 5 and
RB6 shows that radio B is using antenna 6.
Note: If the PTT is enabled and connected the cable to the Radio, when the
Radio changes to TX, the LCD will add a “!” character.
Antenna Label: This presents the label assigned to each antenna. In the
above image antenna 5 is labeled 160m and antenna 6 is labeled 6mYa (6m
yagi). The labels can be customized with the RBM software as explained in
the next section of this document.
The front panel also houses 5 buttons:
RED button: to enter into configuration mode
Button 1: To set focus on Radio A.
Button 2: To set focus on Radio B
Button 3: To select the previous antenna.
Button 4: To select the next antenna.