European Safety Systems Ltd.
Impress House, Mansell Road, Acton, London W3 7QH
[email protected] Tel: +44 (0)208 743 8880
Document D150-00-155-IS Issue 1 26-08-2020
Sheet 1 of 3
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Manual Call Point – Push Button
With resistor Modules
For use in Flammable Gas and
Combustible Dust Atmospheres
The BExCP3C-PB is a push button manual call
point which is certified to the European and
International Gas and Dust standards. The unit
meets the requirements of the ATEX directive
2014/34/EU and IECEx scheme.
The call point can be used in hazardous areas
where potentially flammable gas and dust
atmospheres may be present.
All units have up to two of the following:
Monitoring resistors up to 1.5W per module
Monitoring diode
Monitoring Zener diode
The units are Group II, EPL (equipment protection
level) Gb. The equipment is certified ‘Ex db eb mb
IIC T4 Gb’ and as such may be used in Zones 1
and 2 with flammable gases and vapours with gas
groups IIA, IIB & IIC and temperature classes T1,
T2, T3 and T4.
These units are also Group III, EPL Db. The
equipment is certified ‘Ex tb IIIC T75ºC Db’ and as
such may be used in Zones 21 and 22 for
combustible dusts groups IIIA, IIIB & IIIC.
Ratings & Marking
All units have a rating label, which carries the
following important information: -
Unit Type No.:
BExCP3C-PB Manual Call Point
Input Voltages:
See section 7.1 for current ratings
125VDC Max 0.5A Max. Resistive Load;
0.03A Max Inductive Load
75VDC Max 0.75A Max
48VDC Max 1.0A Max
24VDC Max 5.0A Max Resistive Load;
3.0A Max Inductive Load
12VDC Max 5.0A Max
6VDC Max 5.0A Max
Ex db eb mb IIC T4 Gb
Ex tb IIIC T75ºC Db
–40ºC <= Ta <= +65ºC
Certificate No.:
IECEx SIR 09.0121X
Epsilon x: II 2GD
CE Marking
Notified body No. 2813
Year/Serial No. i.e. 20/1CP3CPB000001
Type Approval Standards
The beacon has an EC Type examination
certificate issued by SIRA and have been approved
to the following standards: -
EN60079-0:2018 / IEC60079-0:2017
EN60079-1:2014 / IEC60079-1:2014
EN60079-7:2015 / IEC60079-7:2017
EN60079-18:2015 / IEC60079-18:2014
EN60079-31:2014 / IEC60079-31:2013
The equipment is certified for use in ambient
temperatures in the range
BExCP3C-PB -40
C to +65
and shall not be used outside this range.
Installation Requirements
Installation of this equipment shall only be carried
out by suitably trained personnel in accordance
with the applicable code of practice e.g.
IEC 60079-14/EN 60079-14
Repair of this equipment shall only be carried out
by the manufacturer or in accordance with the
applicable code of practice e.g. IEC 60079-19/EN
Refer to certificates SIRA 09ATEX3286X and
IECEx SIR 09.0121X for special conditions of safe
The certification of this equipment relies on the
following materials used in its construction:
Aluminium Pressure Die Cast Body
Through enclosure mechanism: Plastic Nylon Zytel
Injection Moulded
Sealing of enclosure and mechanism: O-ring
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber
Potting Compound of resistors where used: Epoxy
If the equipment is likely to come into contact with
aggressive substances, then it is the responsibility
of the user to take suitable precautions that prevent
it from being adversely affected, thus ensuring that
the type of protection is not compromised.
“Aggressive substances” - e.g. acidic liquids or
gases that may attack metals, or solvents that may
affect polymeric materials.
“Suitable precautions” - e.g. regular checks as part
of routine inspections or establishing from the
material’s data sheet that it is resistant to specific
Call Point Location and Mounting
The location of the call point should enable ease of
access for operation and testing. The unit should
be mounted using the 4 off fixing holes which will
accept up to M4 sized fixings.
View of base unit showing fixing centres.
To gain access to the mounting holes in the base
the front cover must be removed.
This is achieved by removing the 4 off M4 cap
head bolts holding on the cover.
Once the screws are removed the cover will hang
down out of the way to gain access to the Ex e
terminal block, the internal earth terminal and
mounting hole recesses.
BExCP3C-PB Push Button Manual Call Point
For use in Flammable Gas and Dust Atmospheres