DANGER! Avoid Powerlines!
You Can Be Killed!
When following the instructions in this guide to install the device, take
extreme care to avoid contact with overhead power lines, lights and
power circuits. Contact with power lines, lights or power circuits may be
fatal. We recommend to install device no closer than 20 feet to any
power lines.
For your own protection, follow these safety rules.
Perform as many functions as possible on the ground
Do not attempt to install the device on a rainy, windy or snowy
day or if there is ice or snow accumulation at the install site or
if the site is wet.
Make sure there are no people, pets, etc. below when you are
working on a roof or ladder.
Watch out for any power lines which may be overhead, under-
ground or behind walls., keeping safely clear of them with the
antenna, ladders or any tools.
See appendix for FCC RF exposure guidelines
Recommended Tools:
Phillips Screwdriver, 3mm Allen
Wrench, 14mm Open End Wrench. Screws and screwdriver if
mounting to a wall.
You should be familiar with using tools such as these before
attempting installation of the device. You should be comfortable with
working on a ladder.
Getting Started
It is recommended that you setup the EZ-Base™system in
your office or lab to get acquainted with the operation of the unit before
installing outdoors.
It’s always best to start with a fully charged battery. Controller won’t
power the wireless card unless the battery voltage is >12V. Recharging
a dead battery with the controller and power supply may take 4 hours.
You can charge faster with a standard auto charger to get started.
Please help preserve the environment and return
used batteries to an authorized depot