User Manual for the Wireless LAN Card
dBm format.
Noise Level: Current interference level where 0% equals the best connection quality.
4.4 Site Survey Tab
4.4.1 Site Section
SSID: The name of each AP or Ad Hoc station.
BSSID: The MAC address of SSID.
Signal: Indicate each associated network’s link quality measured in percentage.
Channel: Current channel adopted by this network.
Encryption: The encryption type adopted by each AP or Ad Hoc station.
Authentication: The authentication type adopted by each AP or Ad Hoc station.
Network Type: Infrastructure mode or Ad Hoc mode.
4.4.2 Buttons
Rescan: Update associated networks.
Connect: Connect to the selected network.
Add to Profile: Save the selected network connection status into a profile. Refer to
4.8 Add
4.4.3 Icons
Connected: Connection built with this specified network. A status bar on the left-bottom
side of the window will show the connected SSID.