• Avoid riding in wet weather. When wet, handbrakes may require a long distance
to stop.
• Avoid riding in the dark. If you do, be sure the bike is equipped with a headlight,
a taillight and reflectors. Apply retro-reflective trim to clothing, or wear reflective
vests and jackets.
• Avoid loose clothing or long coats that can catch in pedals or wheels. Leg clips or
bands keep pants legs from tangling in the chain.
• Avoid crossing raised sewer grates.
• Regular maintenance is essential for safe riding. Refer to the maintenance recom-
mendations. If you do not have basic mechanical skills, an authorized dealer should
perform repairs and maintenance.
• Align (or "true") wobbly wheels for better control. Spokes also may need adjust-
• Replace all missing, damaged, or worn parts; for example, brake pads, chain-
guards, chain links, spokes, screws and bolts, handlebar grips.
• Tighten and/or adjust loose parts. 13
• Periodically inspect frame, fork, spindles and other components for cracking.
• Parts should be adjusted to manufacturer's torque specifications.
• Inflate tires to recommended pressure, and replace worn tires.
Safety Guidelines
Below are guidelines according to the NHSTA (National Highway and Traffic Safety
Administration) on bicycle safety.
• Protect Your Head: Wear a Helmet - Never ride a bicycle without wearing a
properly fitted helmet. Helmets are proven to be 85-88 percent effective in pre-
venting traumatic brain injury, the primary cause of death and disabling injuries
resulting from cycling crashes. Wear a helmet that meets the U.S. Consumer Prod-
uct Safety Commission (CPSC) standard (see inside of helmet for presence of a
• Assure Bicycle Readiness: Ensure Proper Size and Function of Bicycle - Make
sure the bicycle fits you: Stand over the top of the bicycle – there should be mini-
mum 3 inches of clearance from the frame bar. Seat height — as previously men-
tioned, with the ball of your foot on the pedal, the fully extended leg should have a
slight bend. Check all parts of the bicycle to make sure they are secure and working
well: The Handlebar should be firmly in place and turns easily. The wheels must be
straight and secure; the quick release rear axle must be secured.