Power 15 Brushless Outrunner Instructions
Thank you for purchasing the E-flite Power 15 Brushless Outrunner motor. The Power 15 is designed to deliver clean and quiet power for 15-size sport and
scale airplanes weighing 36- to 56-ounces (1020- to 1590-grams), 3D airplanes 32- to 40-ounces (910- to 1135-gram), or models requiring up to 425 watts
of power.
Power 15 Brushless Outrunner Features:
• Equivalent to a 15-size glow engine for sport and scale airplanes weighing 36- to 56-ounces (1020- to 1590-grams)
• Ideal for size 3D airplanes 32- to 40-ounces (910- to 1135-gram)
• Ideal for models requiring up to 425 watts of power
• High torque, direct drive alternative to inrunner brushless motors
• Includes mount, prop adapters, and mounting hardware
• Quiet, lightweight operation
• External rotor design, 5mm shaft can easily be reversed for alternative motor installations
• High quality construction with ball bearings and hardened steel shaft
• Slotted 12-pole outrunner design
Power 15 Specifications
Case Length: 48mm (1.9 in)
Weight: 152g (5.4 oz)
Shaft Diameter: 5mm (.2 in)
Kv: 950 (rpms per volt)
Io: 2A @ 10V (no load current)
Ri: .03 ohms (resistance)
Continuous Current: 34A*
Max Burst Current: 42A*
Watts: up to 425
Cells: 8-12 Ni-MH/Ni-Cd or 3-4S Li-Po
Recommended Props: 10x6 to 13x6.5
Brushless ESC: 40-45 Amp
* Maximum Operating Temperature: 220 degrees Fahrenheit
* Adequate cooling is required for all motor operation at maximum current levels.
* Maximum Burst Current duration is 15 seconds. Adequate time between maximum burst intervals is required for proper cooling and to avoid overheating
the motor.
* Maximum Burst Current rating is for 3D and limited motor run flights. Lack of proper throttle management may result in damage to the motor since
excessive use of burst current may overheat the motor.
Determine a Model’s Power Requirements:
1. Power can be measured in watts. For example: 1 horsepower = 746 watts
2. You determine watts by multiplying ‘volts’ times ‘amps’. Example: 10 volts x 10 amps = 100 watts
Volts x Amps = Watts
3. You can determine the power requirements of a model based on the ‘Input Watts Per Pound’ guidelines found below, using the flying weight of the model
(with battery):
50-70 watts per pound; Minimum level of power for decent performance, good for lightly loaded slow flyer and park flyer models
70-90 watts per pound; Trainer and slow flying scale models
90-110 watts per pound; Sport aerobatic and fast flying scale models
110-130 watts per pound; Advanced aerobatic and high-speed models
130-150 watts per pound; Lightly loaded 3D models and ducted fans
150-200+ watts per pound; Unlimited performance 3D and aerobatic models
NOTE: These guidelines were developed based upon the typical parameters of our E-flite motors. These guidelines may vary depending on other motors
and factors such as efficiency and prop size.
4. Determine the Input Watts Per Pound required to achieve the desired level of performance:
Model: 15-size 3D ARF
Estimated Flying Weight w/Battery: 2.4 lbs
Desired Level of Performance: 150-200+ watts per pound; Unlimited performance 3D and aerobatics
2.4 lbs x 150 watts per pound = 360 Input Watts of total power (minimum)
required to achieve the desired performance
5. Determine a suitable motor based on the model’s power requirements. The tips below can help you determine the power capabilities of a particular
motor and if it can provide the power your model requires for the desired level of performance:
Most manufacturers will rate their motors for a range of cell counts, continuous current and maximum burst current.
In most cases, the input power a motor is capable of handling can be determined by:
Average Voltage (depending on cell count) x Continuous Current = Continuous Input Watts
Average Voltage (depending on cell count) x Max Burst Current = Burst Input Watts