Date March 2019
Akku Vision - Manual PowerPack for Gazelle
Version 06
*Gazelle and Innergy are trademarks of the Koninklijke Gazelle N.V. NL
Capacity is indicated during use as folows:
LED 1 flashing:
0 – 16 % charged capacity
LED 1 lighting:
17 – 33 % charged capacity
LED 1 and 2 lighting:
34 – 50 % charged capacity
LED 1,2 and 3 lighting:
51 – 67 % charged capacity
LED 1,2,3 and 4 lighting:
68 – 83 % charged capacity
LED 1,2,3,4 and 5 lighting:
>= 84 % charged capacity
Do not remove your battery off the eBike, as long as the drive system is on. Turn it off before!
Your new PowerPack owns the latest and most safely battery management system technology and protects itself
from incorrect operation. Before the cells would be completely discharged, the battery switches off the motor.
However, there will remain enough power within the battery, to drive safe home with activated lights, if you are
powering the lights via the drive battery.
Lighting / rear light
The rear light is activated as known by the HMI. Even if the motort support has turned off because of low battery
capacity, the battery has enough power to secure the lighting during riding home.
If the rear light might be damaged, you can exchange it on your own or by your dealer.
The rear light can be bought at your dealer. He can directly order it at us!
For exchanging you need a Torx T15 screw driver and some craftsmanship.
Take the battery out of you bike and wait at least 1 hour to make sure that it is in deep-sleep-mode.
Remove the coverage of the rear light by
removing the two screws.
Now, you remove the two screws which fix
the rear light tot he coverage.
Last but not least, you disconnect the wiring
off the rear light. Please pull directly on the
contacts and not at the wiring!
For assembling, just go the other way around.
For connecting the wires tot he rear light, please pay attention of right polarity. This is printed on the rear light.
Red wire has to be connected to + and the black wire has to be connected to -!