Arm balancing
Horizontal balancing
Main arm is designed to maintain itself always level.
But horizontal balancing is still necessary to
distribute bearing load evenly and thereby realize
best trackability. To achieve this balance, shell and
sub weight alone normally suffice. First position sub
weight A closest to the fore, or sub weight B at
white-color balancing point mark, and then slide
sub weight on scaled bar by one notch backward
per every 5g added to cartridge weight. (In using
any shell other than one supplied, add to or deduct
from cartridge weight the difference in weight
between these two shells.)
Lateral balancing
If arm flows laterally to either side while inside force
canceller weight is suspended from zero point or is
removed from cartridge, slide lateral balancer to
either side to prevent arm from flowing so. (Make
sure beforehand that arm base is set level.)
Tracking force adjusting
First set tracking force adjuster to zero point and balance
sub arm precisely level by sliding sub-weight to right
position. Sub arm so balanced, turn adjuster finger screw
to obtain necessary tracking force. Adjuster scale is
graduated by 0.25g and between graduation marks, too,
adjustment is done progressively in proportion to adjuster
screw advance.
Choose sub weight A or B according to guide table to the
left. Protruding in hole in sub weight is a pin to stop sub
weight from pivoting on scaled bar. Mount sub-weight onto
bar with this pin pressed with screwdriver, etc.