5 Positioning the Loudspeaker
Loudspeaker placement
The starting point for any setup will be to create a triangle between each loudspeaker
and the listening seat. Each side of the triangle should have about the same distance.
From this starting point the best possible sound staging and sound balance can be
Distance between loudspeakers
Setting the distance between the speakers is a trade-off between a wide sound and a
precise center image. The farther apart the speakers (with the same listening position)
the wider the sound stage, however the center image weakens. Achieve the best pos-
sible balance for your listening taste.
Distance between loudspeaker and the rear wall
The distance to the rear wall should be at least 0.5 meters. The rear wall reflects the low
frequency sound into the room making the sound more bass-heavy with more slam and
changes the tonal balance of the sound. The nearer the rear wall the more bass. But
this will also color the sound and make the room impose the sound even further in the
bass region. Move the speakers back and forth to achieve the right tonal balance (with
the listening seat at the same position). Moving the speaker further into the room also
improves the depth of the soundstage. Achieve the right trade-off between the tonal
balance and the depth of the soundstage.
Positioning the Loudspeaker