Thank you so much for your purchase!
We strive to provide the best customer service
possible so if you ever have a problem with your
Jukibot don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can
reach us by emailing us at, [email protected]
or you can message us on facebook at Dynasty toys.
Jukibot Quick Start Guide
1. Make sure to charge your Jukibot.
• You will know your Jukibot is done charging
when the red light surrounding the power
button is no longer present.
2. Download the official Jukibot app.
• Available on Android and Apple app stores.
3. Once Jukibot has fully charged, hold the power
button down for one second to turn it on.
You will hear a sound once Jukibot is
powered on.
4. Next go into your WiFi settings. Connect to
the wifi that says ‘Jukibot’ followed by a varying
6 digit code. (This will take 5-10 seconds)
5. Once connected, open your Jukibot app. Wait
on the main menu until Jukibot’s eyes stop
flashing and it makes the connected sound.
6. You are now ready to play! Select the game
you wish to play and enjoy!