AMP 331 Instructions for Users
Dynastream Innovations Inc.
D00000381 Rev. 0.E
6 of 6
3.1 Pod User-Interface
1. To start the AMP Pod, press and hold the right button until the LCD displays “on”.
2. The pod will display one of the following:
a. If there is data in the pod memory, the pod will display “DATA”. Go to Step 5.
b. If the pod is ready to start data collection it will display “CLR” to indicate that there is no data in
the memory, then it will display the date and time, then the words “PUSH
”. Go to Step 4
for instructions on data collection.
c. If the date and time need to be set, the pod will display “CLR”, then “DATE”, then the year with
the third digit flashing and the word “
” at the bottom. For instructions on setting the date and
time go to Step 3.
3. Setting the date and time.
a. When the pod displays the year with the third digit flashing and the word “
” at the bottom the
date and time must be set. This always occurs after changing the battery. The procedure for
setting the date and time are as follows:
i. Use the right button to scroll through the digits of the year, the months of the year, and
the digits in the date and time.
ii. Use the left button to move to the next digit or next selection.
b. When the time and date have been set, the pod will display “PUSH
” indicating it is ready
to start data collection.
c. To reset the date and time if it is incorrect, the pod must be displaying “PUSH
”. Press and
hold the left button until the pod displays the word “DATE” and then year with the third digit
flashing and the word “
” at the bottom.
4. Data collection.
a. In order to start data collection, the pod must display “PUSH
b. Press the right button to start the trial.
c. The pod will display a flashing clock at the top of the LCD to indicate that it is collecting data.
The pod also displays the elapsed time since the beginning of the trial, initially in minutes and
seconds, then hours and minutes, then days and hours.
d. To stop data collection, perform the following sequence:
i. press and hold both buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds, until the pod displays “b1”
ii. let go of both buttons and press the left button, the LCD will display “b2”,
iii. let go of the left button and press the right button.
e. The pod will now display “DATA” to indicate there is data saved in the memory.
5. When the pod displays “DATA”, the user has three options.