1. Fly your rocket on a large field that isn’t near any power lines, trees, or low flying aircraft. The larger the field, the great-
er your chances of recovering your rocket. The launch area around the pad must be free of dry weeds and brown grass.
Launch only during calm weather with very little or no wind and good visibility. Always use a launch pad that includes a
blast deflector.
2. Remove the safety key from the launch controller
3. Slide the launch lugs onto the launch rail/rod to place the rocket on the pad. Test how smoothly the rocket goes up and
down the rail/rod. The rocket should slide freely over the rail/rod.
4. Attach the micro-clips to the igniter. The clips must not touch the other or the metal blast deflector.
5. Stand back from your rocket as far as the launch wire allows (at least 9.14 meters - 30 feet)
6. Insert the safety key to arm the launch system. The light (or buzzer) on the controller should come on.
7. Give a loud countdown 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... LAUNCH!
8. Push and hold the button until the engine ignites. Then remove the safety key and place the safety cap on the launch
Misfire Procedure
Occasionally the igniter will burn, but the motor will fail to ignite. If this happens, the cause is that the pyrogen on the igniter
was not in contact with the engines propellant. When an ignition failure occurs, remove the safety key from the launch control-
ler and wait 60 seconds before approaching the rocket. Remove the old igniter from the engine and install a new one. Make
sure that the igniter is insert fully into the engine and touches the propellant. Secure the igniter as directed on the engine
package and repeat the countdown and launch procedure.
Always follow the NAR* Model Rocket Safety Code when launching model rockets.
*National Association of Rocketry
**Kevlar® is a brand name of E.I. DuPont for their selection of aramid fibers. Only DuPont makes Kevlar®
Countdown and launch procedure
Go online and order at www.ApogeeRockets.com or call us and
order at
We’re available M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm MST
Need parts or Accessories to go along with this kit?
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Altimeter options:
Perfectflite Firefly
PerfectFlite APRA Altimeter
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Jolly Logic Altimeters: One,
Two, or Three
Rocket Engines
Launch Controllers
Launch Pads
Recovery Wadding
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