Dynamix DW-01Plus/H Gateway User Manual
- 74 -
usr/config$ ifaddr
LAN information and configuration
ifaddr [-print][-mode used][-ip IP Address][-mask Subnet Mask]
[-gate Default Gateway][-dns 1 IP Address][-http portnumber]
[-dhcpsv used][-nat used][-lanip IP Address][-sntp mode [server]]
[-timezone GMT][-ipsharing used IP address][-ipchange used]
[-id PPPoE username][-pwd PPPoE password][-reboot used][-emsip EMS IP]
[-emsid EMS username][-emspwd EMS password][-emstime EMS digit]
-print Display network information and configuration.
-mode Specify WAN IP mode (0=Static, 1=DHCP, 2=PPPoE).
-ip Specify WAN port static IP address.
-mask Set WAN port static IP subnet mask.
-gate Specify WAN port static IP default gateway IP address
-autodns Specify the way to obtain DNS Server (0=Manual, 1=Auto).
-dns Set DNS server IP address. Provide set DNS primary and
secondary IP address (1=primary IP address, 2=secondary).
-http Specify http port number.
-dhcpsv DHCP server switch (0=disable, 1=enable).
-nat NAT function switch (0=disable, 1=enable).
-lanip Specify LAN port IP address (For NAT function).
-sntp Set SNTP server mode and specify IP address.
SNTP mode (0=No update, 1=Specify server IP, 2=broadcast mode).
-timezone Set local timezone.
-ipsharing Specify usage of an IP sharing device and specify IP address
(0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-ipchange Replace IP address if the shared IP is changed
(0=Disable, 1=Enable).
-id PPPoE connection user name.
-pwd PPPoE connection password.
-reboot Reboot after remote host disconnection in PPPoE mode
(0=No Reboot, 1=Yes Reboot).
-echo PPPoE Echo Request (0=disable, 1=enable).
-emsip EMS server IP(x=IP null).
-emsid EMS user name.
-emspwd EMS user password.
-emstime EMS refresh time(0~1024 min).
Range of IP address setting ( ~
LAN IP can not support subnet x.x.0.x
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