Torque Limit Mod PCB 15-444-2
Set the Torque Limit Damping potentiometer R18 at 50% CW.
Set the Torque Limit potentiometer R19 at 50% CW (this setting is approximately 150% of
rated motor torque)
Set HI Damping potentiometer R20 to 0% (Full CCW)
Check the drive nameplate for motor hp, voltage and current ratings. Set the programming
switches and jumpers as indicated in Table 1 on the connection diagram for your rated motor
Place a clamp on ammeter on one lead of the ac motor
Adjustment Procedure
To avoid personal injury or damage to the test equipment remove power before connecting ok
disconnection test equipment
The Model 4000 and 4050 controllers contain an LED status monitor which provides a visual means of
setting the maximum speed and zero adjust. This LED set up along with an alternate method is given
Turn ON the power to the drive and start the ac motor.
Start the controller with the Start pushbutton. Note the location of the Stop pushbutton.
Zero Adjust R19 with LED monitor
- Slowly increase the Zero Adjust Potentiometer R19 CW while
monitoring the LED D22. When controller output is turned ON or clutch voltage is turned ON (or
the drive shaft begins to rotate) the LED should start flashing. Now just back off slowly until the
flashing stops.
Zero Adjust R19 Alternate Method
- This adjustment can be set to provide zero rpm or some
minimum speed greater than zero, as required by the machine operating requirements.
For zero rpm, turn the Zero Adjust potentiometer R19 CW until the output shaft just begins
to turn. Then, back off on the control until the output shaft just stops turning. Stop and start
the controller a few times to be sure the drive shaft does not rotate.
For a minimum speed greater than zero, the LED cannot be used. Turn the Zero Adjust
potentiometer CW until the desired speed is attained. For an accurate setting use a
tachometer or stroboscope.
Max Speed/Volts R21
- This adjustment can be set to limit drive speed to its rated maximum or to
a slower speed as required by the machine process. An LED status monitor has been provided on
the main board to allow you to set the maximum speed with out the use of a tachometer,
stroboscope or voltmeter. However, an alternate method of setup using this equipment is given
to set the maximum speed point. The tachometer or stroboscope will give an accurate rpm setting
while the use of a voltmeter will give only an approximate speed setting. This is because the
voltmeter is measuring generator voltage instead of actual output rpm.
Max Speed/Volts R21
with LED monitor Set the Run Speed potentiometer R5 at 100% (Full CW).
Caution: Drive will go full speed. The LED should be out when the drive is at top speed. With the
LED out, slowly turn the Max Speed/Volts potentiometer R21 CCW until the LED lights up. This