Adjusting Signal Sensitivity
Desensitizing Standard Inputs
Signal sensitivity is factory set to 25 mVrms (about 35 mV peak or 70 mV
peak-to-peak) and satisfies most applications.
Higher sensitivities can be more vulnerable to noise.
To raise sensitivity
Turn the SIGNAL SENSITIVITY potentiometer (Fig.
4-12) clockwise. At full clockwise rotation, sensitivity is approximately 5 mVrms.
To lower sensitivity
Turn the SIGNAL SENSITIVITY potentiometer
counterclockwise. At full counterclockwise rotation, the sensitivity is
approximately 100 mVrms.
Desensitizing Contact Closure
Jumper terminals 30 and 11 to desensitize the unit to about 1 Vrms. Signal
Sensitivity pot setting does not affect this procedure.
Calibrating the Speed Switch
Fig. 4-12
signal sensitivity
control is located
under the A DIP
Fig. 4-13
terminals 11 to 30 to
desensitize the
SST-2000A/H for
contact closure input.