The following procedures will require BCM operation. Be sure to
follow all safety guidelines and wiring procedures.
“Potentiometer” is abbreviated as “pot” throughout. To increase a pot’s setting, turn it
clockwise; to decrease it, counter-clockwise. These Pots are 25 turns nominal, therefore turn
pots fully 25 turns to ensure that you are at either the minimum or maximum setting. The rear of
the BCM unit contains three adjustable pots, and an eight position DIP switch, only 3 switches
are implemented on this unit.
The steps for calibration of the BCM unit to a specific system is as follows:
1. Calibration of LOW trip set point.
2. Calibration of HIGH trip set point.
3. Adjustment of Maximum run time setting.
4. Adjustment of Delay On timer setting.
The low set point range spans from 10 – 15VDC. This set point is adjustable via an on board
Pot. There is a green LED adjacent to the Pot (LOW), which illuminates when the sense input
voltage has gone below the low set point. There is also a jumper adjacent to the LOW pot,
which allows for pot calibration.
The simplest and most precise method for calibration is as follows.
1. Connect battery positive (10 – 15 VDC) to BCM terminal #1 or #2, and connect battery
negative to BCM terminal #3 or #4.
2. Measure the voltage on the jumper adjacent to the LOW Potentiometer. The Low set point
will be the voltage measured at the jumper pin +10. [LOW SETPOINT= V me10
i.e. If a LOW set point of 12.1VDC is required, you must adjust the low potentiometer until
the voltage at the LOW POT reads 2.1VDC.
Operating & Installation Manual for Battery Charge Monitor (BCM)