22. Fit and epoxy the 1/4" x 1-3/4" x 5-3/4" ply
wing bolt plate.
23. From a 1" x 1-3/4" x 6" balsa block, shape and
glue the filler block to the top of the wing bolt plate.
1. Slide the wing halves together on the aluminum
tube and center the wing on the fuse.
Be sure
the wing halves are slid all the way onto the tube.
2. Using a 5/16" drill bit, drill one hole through
bulkheads 3A, 3B, 3C, the dowel plates and the
front ply shear web.
Only drill through the
bulkheads, then the first front ply shear web. DO
NOT drill through the second shear web.
3. From the 5/16" dowel, cut two 3" pieces. Fit
the 5/16" dowel through the hole you drilled.
4. Drill the second hole the same as the first,
making sure the wing halves are still tight against
each other.
5. Remove the wings from the fuse and the wing
tube. Round one end of each 5/16" x 3" dowel. Epoxy
a wing dowel in place in each wing half, with 1/2”
of the rounded end protruding. Allow the epoxy to
cure completely before continuing.
6. Cut the 1/16" x 2" x 7" birch ply sheet in half,
making two 3-1/2" wing bolt plates. Glue one wing
bolt plate to each wing half as shown.