Remove all hangings or plastic straps, if present.
Before you cook food in your smoker, it is important to “season” your smoker. Seasoning seals the
paint and interior of your smoker to enhance flavoring, durability and overall performance.
To season your smoker, simply use it as you normally would only do not cook any food. You will
need to follow all of the operating procedures in the next few sections of this manual.
Using your desired flavoring woods and marinades, burn your smoker at low temperature
(around 175°F/79.4°C) for 45 – 60 minutes. Let the smoker cool and clean out the wood chips and charcoal.
Once seasoning is complete, your smoker’s interior will have a durable, seasoned coating.
Lighting Instructions
DO NOT USE PRETREATED, MATCH-LIGHT CHARCOAL with this smoker. Only use standard,
untreated briquettes or lump charcoal and ONLY use charcoal lighting fluid approved for lighting charcoal.
Do not use lighter fluid, paint thinners, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or other flammable material for
lighting charcoal. Damage to the smoker may occur with the use of match-light charcoal.
Step 1
Remove the charcoal grate and chamber from the smoker box. Place the grate on a cement surface
that is clear from flamable or combustible materials. Place the chamber directly onto the
charcoal grate. The chamber should fit between the grate handles and the raised grate supports.
Refer to the assembly instructions for proper placement.
Start with at least 4 lbs. (1.8 kgs.) of charcoal (75 standard briquettes).
Make adjustments as needed when cooking in colder climates or during high winds, and/or when fair
amounts of precipitation are present.
Step 2
Note: Please refer to the manufacturer’s recommended amount of lighter fluid before applying
fluid to the briquettes. With the charcoal grate and chamber outside the firebox, saturate charcoal
with the amount of lighting fluid as recommended by the lighter fluid manufacturer. Allow the fluid
to soak into the charcoal for 3 minutes before placing the grate and chamber back into the firebox
(refer to assembly instructions for proper chamber and grate placement). After soaking the charcoal,
place the lighting fluid at a safe distance away from the smoker.
Step 3
With both doors open, stand back and carefully light charcoal and allow to burn until covered with
a light ash (approximately 20 minutes). Charcoal lighting fluid must be allowed to completely burn off
prior to closing the doors. (Fumes will tend to collect in the upper cavity if the door is closed).