Always be sure to follow proper maintenance procedures, by cleaning the heater once per
month during regular usage, and check spark gap at least once per season.
1. Control dial is off and unit is
1. This heater uses a con4nuous spark
1. No correc4ve ac4on is needed.
igni4on system. This unit will con4nue
to make a clicking/4cking sound at all
4mes before igni4on, aAer igni4on
and during opera4on, regardless of
valve knob posi4oning.
2. The unit is 4cking/clicking
1. This heater uses a con4nuous spark
1. No correc4ve ac4on is needed.
while the heater is lit.
igni4on system. This unit will con4nue
to make a clicking/4cking sound at all
4mes before igni4on, aAer igni4on
and during opera4on, regardless of
valve knob posi4oning.
1. Fan does not turn when
1. No electric power to heater.
1. Check current to electric outlet. If voltage is correct,
electrical connec4on is made.
check power cord and extension cord for
2. Fan blade contacts inside of heater housing.
2. Be sure that housing is not damaged. Make sure
there are no obstruc4ons to the fan.
3. Fan blade(s) bent
3. Straighten blade(s) to match others.
4. Fan motor defec4ve.
4. Replace motor.
2. Heater will not fire.
1. No spark at ignitor.
2. Improper spark gap.
3. Bad electrode.
1. Check ignitor wire. Re-‐aQach or 4ghten if loose.
Check Spark module. Replace if necessary.
2. Set gap (See specifica4ons for gap).
3. Replace spark electrode.
3. Heater quits while
1. Internal temperature too high causing limit
1. If the heaters output is restricted, internal temperature
switch to shut down opera4on.
becomes too high. Move heater away from
any obstruc4ons.
2. Damaged Control Valve.
2. Replace Control Valve.
3. Dust or debris build-‐up inside of heater.
3. Clean inside of heater.
1. Control dial is off and unit is
1. This heater uses a con4nuous spark
1. No correc4ve ac4on is needed.
igni4on system. This unit will con4nue
to make a clicking/4cking sound at all
4mes before igni4on, aAer igni4on
and during opera4on, regardless of
valve knob posi4oning.
2. The unit is 4cking/clicking
1. This heater uses a con4nuous spark
1. No correc4ve ac4on is needed.
while the heater is lit.
igni4on system. This unit will con4nue
to make a clicking/4cking sound at all
4mes before igni4on, aAer igni4on
and during opera4on, regardless of
valve knob posi4oning.
1. Fan does not turn when
1. No electric power to heater.
1. Check current to electric outlet. If voltage is correct,
electrical connec4on is made.
check power cord and extension cord for
2. Fan blade contacts inside of heater housing.
2. Be sure that housing is not damaged. Make sure
there are no obstruc4ons to the fan.
3. Fan blade(s) bent
3. Straighten blade(s) to match others.
4. Fan motor defec4ve.
4. Replace motor.
2. Heater will not fire.
1. No spark at ignitor.
2. Improper spark gap.
3. Bad electrode.
1. Check ignitor wire. Re-‐aQach or 4ghten if loose.
Check Spark module. Replace if necessary.
2. Set gap (See specifica4ons for gap).
3. Replace spark electrode.
3. Heater quits while
1. Internal temperature too high causing limit
1. If the heaters output is restricted, internal temperature
switch to shut down opera4on.
becomes too high. Move heater away from
any obstruc4ons.
2. Damaged Control Valve.
2. Replace Control Valve.
3. Dust or debris build-‐up inside of heater.
3. Clean inside of heater.