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djusting the cam lock clamps is accomplished using the appropriate size fiber glass tubes and the
included 3 mm Allen wrench. Once adjusted, they should work as expected and not need adjusting
every time they are used.
Use the included 3 mm Allen wrench to adjust the cam lock clamps. Insert the tubing in both sides of
the cam lock clamp with the cam lock clamp open.
Use the Allen wrench to tighten the lower tube socket
head cap screws so the clamp is tight to the bottom
tube. Open the cam lock lever and adjust the upper
socket head cap screw until the clamp is snug to the
tube, then loosen the upper socket head cap screw (on
the cam lock clamp lever) one turn. Close the cam
lock clamp lever. The cam lock clamp should be set,
if not, re-adjust as needed. Once this is set, you
should not have to re-adjust for future use.
Repeat the procedure above for the other tubes and
cam lock clamps as needed. In the next section, you
will remove the upper fiberglass tube from the clamp
to mark the overlap.
Fiberglass Tube Kit Assemblies
For the 15 foot tube kit, the overlap of the tubes should be 3 inches, so the mark will be at 4” to allow
for the clamp size.. For the 25 foot tube kit, the overlap of the tubes should be 6 inches, so the mark
will be at 7” to allow for the clamp size. For the 46 foot and 46 foot heavy duty fiberglass kit, the over
lap should be 12 inches, so the mark will be at 13” to allow for the clamp size. You can overlap more if
needed or if you want to reduce the height of the tube kit you are working with. When overlapping, all
overlaps should be approximately the same to ensure equal strength between the sections of tubing.
Mark the overlap lines on your fiberglass tubes using a permanent marker on each of the fiberglass
tubes as shown below. All of the tubing is 1/8” nominal, wall thickness.