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©Copyright 2011 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A. 8/11
FR# R6-443584-10
1. Insert the software CD into the CD drive of your computer. If the CD
does not automatically load, navigate to the CD and double click
2. Follow the on screen instructions to complete software installation.
Data Logger Setup
The previously installed software can be used to setup the data logger.
Use the options tab to begin logging, download data from a running log, or
view previously saved data. The status of the attached data logger can
also be checked.
1. Ensure the battery is correctly installed.
2. Insert the data logger into an available USB port on your computer.
3. Double click the “EasyLog USB” icon on your desktop.
Setup/Starting Data Logger
1. To configure the device and begin logging, click the “set up and start the
USB Data Logger” button. Follow the on screen instructions.
2. Assign the data logger a name.
3. Select the appropriate input type and engineering units.
4. Set up the sampling rate.
5. Set up alarm values.
6. Select desired date for the date you want the logger to start logging.
7. Click finish.
8. Once the device is configured and you have started logging, remove the
device from the computer and place the USB cap back on. The device
is now ready to be used.
Stopping Data Logger and Download data
1. When finished taking data, remove the USB cover, plug the device into
the computer, and click the “stop the USB Data Logger and download
data” button.
Exporting Data
1. Open the saved data by pressing “view previously saved data”.
2. Select the data file you wish to export.
3. After the graph of the data opens in a separate window, click export.
4. Excel will open with a tab of the graph and a tab of the data.
Upon final installation of the Series DW-USB-1-HT, no routine maintenance
is required. The Series DW-USB-1-HT, is not field serviceable and should
be returned if repair is needed. Field repair should not be attempted and
may void warranty.
Refer to “Terms and Conditions of Sales” in our catalog and on our website.
Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number
before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief
description of the problem plus any additional application notes.
Dispose of used batteries promptly and keep away from
2000, Windows
XP, Windows Vista
, Windows
32/64-bit operating system is required for software installation.
Faster sampling rates will yield a shorter battery life.