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3.4 Autoplay / Manual Playback at power startup
The DV Signage VideoFlyer supports AutoPlay or manual playback modes at power startup
: This is the default mode for the unit. This means that upon power-on video will start
playing in accordance with a playlist (if DV Studio Play was used to transfer the media files to
the Compact Flash card) or in alpha-numeric order (if the media files were simply copied to
the Compact Flash card).
Manual Playback
: Only available as a setting in DV Studio Play. In Manual Playback mode,
after power up press any button and the first track in the Playlist set in DV Studio Play will
3.5 Playback modes
Playlist mode, i.e. using DV Studio Play:
When operating in playlist mode, both project file (*.prj) and playlist file (*.pll) must be
present on the Compact Flash card. These are used to control the sequence for all
video tracks. If playback does not run as expected please check that these files are
present on the Compact Flash card.
The project and playlist file are created using DV Studio Play software. Using this
software, you can set simple sequences or complex sequences including “jump track“
or “next track” actions. The software can also program buttons with different functions
like “play”, “stop”, “pause”, “mute”, “previous”, “next” and “volume”.
Simple play mode, i.e. files copied to Compact Flash without using DV Studio:
In simple play mode, the user just copies all video files (.mpg) or JPEG files (.jpg) onto
the Compact Flash card. The VideoFlyer will play these files in alphabetical sequence.
For JPEG files, the play time is determined by the last digit of the filename. (For
example: APPLE5.mpg, where “5” means the track will be displayed for 5 seconds.)
Note: Do not use the same filename on both MPEG and JPEG.
Note: Make sure all capital letters in a filename defined in playlist are consistent with the
filename on CompactFlash card. All filenames should be in 16+3 format and avoid using any
characters like “~”, “_”, “-“, etc. All content files must be stored within a folder name MEDIA.
(i.e. /Media/)