A sensitive subject: The latent image. We
have solved the problem without the usual
productivity loss and related loss of time as it
occurs at other manufactures. And this is how
we did it: The exposed material is continuously
transported through a “Print Puffer”, where
the latent image is stabilized prior to the transfer
to the processor. This results in a homogeneous
image production with a high repeat accuracy.
You receive images of highest quality without
any color drift.
At Durst no drums are used as in other systems.
Therefore you have the advantage of image sizes
up to 4 meter (13 ft.) length – ideal for panorama
prints in any length. And this is the procedure:
Our patented LED fiber optic light source exposes
continuously onto photo paper in rolls. Prints
are cut according to the selected print size prior
to feeding it into the paper processor. Customer
and lab information is printed on the back of the
image with the back printer.
The printing unit
Never again trouble with
the latent image
Infra Red Drier
RA4 Paper Processor
• In-line Y-Cuttter for print sizes up
to 30 cm (12 in.) width
• In-line Y-Cuttter for print sizes up
to 50 cm (30 in.) width
In-line Y-Cuttter for print sizes up
to 30 x 45 cm (12 x 18 in.).