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Your DuraVent HEPA Tower has been factory tested. If you encounter problems with the unit,
please take a few minutes to run through the following troubleshooting procedures
Possible causes: No power to unit or kinked Ethernet Cable
Suggestion 1: Is the Red LED on the DTC** on? Reset the DTC Power (see Start-Up & Operation).
Suggestion 2: Check the re-settable circuit breaker on fan’s electrical box.
Suggestion 3: Using another CAT5 Cable and connect it to the W/S port on the fanbox and the DTC.
Suggestion 4: Check power (115VAC) at the electrical outlet, inside the fan’s electrical box wiring at both the
power supply (115VAC) and the SCAB* (24VDC inside the fan’s electrical box).
** DTC = Digital Touch Controller
Possible causes: Wiring issue between SCAB* and Fan
Suggestion 1: Open Fan’s electrical box and check for power (115VAC) at the fan’s power wires.
Suggestion 2: Check for pwm (control 0-24VDC, 80Hz PWM) signal at fan’s control wire connections on the SCAB*.
* SCAB = Simple Controller Attic Board / FAN BOX MOUNTED BOARD
Possible causes: Battery, RF interference.
Suggestion 1: Check transmitter’s battery for power. Replace if necessary.
Suggestion 2: Check to see if LED on the remote receiver is lit. Open the cover and see if internal LED’s
respond by pressing a button on the remote.
Suggestion 3: Temporarily replace the CAT5 Ethernet cable.
Suggestion 4: Check for red LED response on DTC when pressing the remote buttons.