- the fastest method to heat your cleaner is to fill with warm solution, use heat,
ultrasonics (which also adds heat), and a cover.
Solution activity
- the amount of visible activity is not necessarily related to optimum
cavitation for cleaning.
- fresh solutions contain many dissolved gases (usually air), which reduce
effective ultrasonic action. Although solutions will naturally degas over time. Solutions
that have been sitting unused for 24 hours or longer have reabsorbed some gases.
- increases the chemical activity of cleaning solutions.
Surface tension
- can be reduced by adding solution to the bath. Reduced surface
tension will increase cavitation intensity and enhance cleaning.
- never use solvents. Vapors of flammable solutions will collect under the
cleaner, where ignition is possible from electrical components.
- replace cleaning solutions often to increase ultrasonic cleaning activity.
Solutions, as with most chemicals, will become depleted over time. Solutions can
become contaminated with suspended soil particles which coat the tank bottom,
inhibiting ultrasonic activity.
Application Hints
Never clean novelty or inexpensive jewelry in the cleaner. The combination of heat
and vibration may loosen a cement-held setting.
Never clean gemstones such as emerald, amethyst, pearl, opal, coral, turquoise,
peridot or lapis lazuli in the cleaner.
First time cleaning
- first experiment with one piece, then proceed with the remainder.
Solution level- Be sure to maintain solution level within
1 ½” of top of the tank. Surface
activity can vary with liquid level.
Load size
- It is faster and more efficient to run several small loads rather than a few
big loads.
Placing items
- Never allow items to sit on the bottom of the tank. Always place them in
a tray or beaker or suspend in the solution.
Rinsing items
- After cleaning, use a clean water bath to rinse away chemicals
adhering to items.