Issue 03
Düker GmbH
– www.dueker.de
page 16
In case of leakage, adjust retaining ring in closed position. To do this loosen grub screws (23) and tighten
countersunk screws (27) with permissible torque. After this operation, turn the grub screws (23) clockwise to
make contact with the surface of the butterfly disc (3).
10.3 Adjusting the retaining ring
The retaining ring (4) can be adjusted in the CLOSED position of the butterfly valve. For this purpose, the
grub screws (26) are released, while the countersunk screws (25) are tensioned with a permissible torque.
After this procedure, the grub screws (26) are to be fixed by turning clockwise
To ensure proper function and compliance with drinking water hygienic requirements, only origi-
nal Düker spare parts may be installed.