Section IV
4-1. Lubrication
The load bearing and the screw and translating tube
are adequately lubricated for the life of the unit. Gear-
ing receives a light brush coat of grease at the factory. If
the actuator is removed for repair or inspection, the gear
lubricant may be replenished by filling the gear tooth
spaces with a heavy, tacky gear grease. A few drops of
oil should be placed on the porous bronze bearings at
the same time.
4-2. Disassembly
Remove the one Phillips head screw from the gear
housing and the four hex head screws from the tube
flange. Separate housing and housing plate. All mechani-
cal parts should now be accessible. The lifting nut is
threaded and staked to the translating tube. Disass-
sembly of the screw and translating tube assembly is
not possible nor anticipated to be necessary, due to the
expected long life of the screw and lifting nut.
4-3. Load Bearing
The bearing is permanently lubricated and not readily
relubricated. A bearing which shows any sign of rough-
ness should be replaced. Clamp screw in a vise with
soft jaws and remove retaining nut. Use thread locking
adhesive on nut when replacing bearing.
4-4. Reassembly
Assembly is the opposite of disassembly, with no spe-
cial techniques required. Tube flange screws are self-
tapping style and should be started by hand to avoid
possible cross-threading.