14. Landing
Before landing slide out of the harness and assume proper position. Landing when sitting is unacceptable and highly dangerous. Risk of
damage to your spine is very high. Land always on your feet, with a few steps when necessary.
15. Waterlanding
Waterlanding can be dangerous due to risk of drowning. If landing in water is inevitable, unlock leg and chest straps a couple of meters
above water. Slide out of the harness shortly before entering water to avoid tangling in lines or other parts of the paraglider.
16. Tandem flying
Powerseat Comfort was not designed for tandem flying and it is not advisable to use this harness for passenger..
17. Clearing and storing the harness
All materials for the harness were carefully selected for their quality and durability. Keeping the harness in good order and condition will
grant you satisfying operation for a long time. The harness is best cleaned with a wet sponge, maybe a bit of soap. Do not use
detergents or solvents. If there is a lot of mud, use the brush first before wet cleaning.
In case of completely soaked harness (e.g. after water landing) dry it in a well aired place, away from direct sun operation.
Soaked rescue chute always has to be completely removed from the harness, dried and packed again by a licensed person.
In case of a long-time storage keep it either in the backpack or loose, but in any case in a well ventilated room, away from sun rays.
Unfortunately certain discoloration of some harness parts is unavoidable over time and this is yet another reason for not exposing it to
the sun more than necessary.
18. Operation and repairs
Periodic control of the harness will keep it in good shape for a long time.
After each use of rescue chute thoroughly check entire harness for damages, paying particular attention to straps and seams.
Aluminium carabiners are to be replaced each 5 years or 300 hours airtime. Scratched or damaged carabiners cannot be used anymore
and have to be replaced at once.
Using damaged harness is out of the question. In case of any doubts please contact your dealer or manufacturer and/or send it to a
workshop for closer inspection.
19. Technical data
Suspension height
Seat width
Pilot height
Max. pilot weight Weight of the harness *
* Harness weight without carabiners
- Cloth
Cordura 5012 Ripstop, Nylon
- Side straps
Polyamide, Polyester
- Buckles
Sup'Air, AustriAlpin
- Plastic parts
ITW Nexus
Harness is offered without carabiners and speedbar.
Since Dudek Paragliders products are subject to constant improvements, some minor differences are possible between pictures in
manual and actual products. Dudek Paragliders reserve rights to introduce such changes without individual notice