L2000631 Installation guide for DucoBox Focus (Revision L | 06.09.2022)
Maintenance & service
Please refer to the maintenance instructions at www.duco.eu and view the videos on duco.tv for more information�
For service problems as a user:
Please contact your installer� Keep the serial number of your product
to hand�
For service problems as an installer:
Please contact your Duco products seller� Keep the serial number of
your product to hand�
All warranty conditions concerning the DucoBox and Duco's ventilation systems can be found on the DUCO website�
All complaints are to be reported to Duco by the Duco distributor with a clear description and the order/invoice number under
which the products were delivered� In order to register the complaint, please use the complaint registration form found on the Duco
website and the product's serial number in your message to service@duco�eu�
Sticker inside the DucoBox