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Items Not Covered by Warranty

In addition to the itemswhich void the Warranty, the following itemsshallnot be
covered byWarranty: (i) freight cost to the repair centre; (ii) productswhich are not
identified with DSC'sproduct labeland lot number or serialnumber; (iii) products
disassembled or repaired in such a manner asto adverselyaffect performance or
prevent adequate inspection or testing to verifyanywarrantyclaim. Accesscards
or tagsreturned for replacement under warrantywillbe credited or replaced at
DSC'soption. Productsnot covered bythiswarranty, or otherwise out of warranty
due to age, misuse, or damage shallbe evaluated, and a repair estimate shallbe
provided. No repair workwillbe performed untila valid purchase order isreceived
fromthe Customer and a Return Merchandise Authorisation number (RMA) is
issued byDSC'sCustomer Service.
DigitalSecurityControls’sliabilityfor failure to repair the product under thiswar-
rantyafter a reasonable number of attemptswillbe limited to a replacement of the
product, asthe exclusive remedyfor breach of warranty. Under no circumstances
shallDigitalSecurityControlsbe liable for anyspecial, incidental, or consequential
damagesbased upon breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict
liability, or anyother legaltheory. Such damagesinclude, but are not limited to,
lossof profits, lossof the product or anyassociated equipment, cost of capital,
cost of substitute or replacement equipment, facilitiesor services, down time, pur-
chaser’stime, the claimsof third parties, including customers, and injuryto prop-
erty. The lawsof some jurisdictionslimit or do not allow the disclaimer of
consequentialdamages. If the lawsof such a jurisdiction applyto anyclaimbyor
against DSC, the limitationsand disclaimerscontained here shallbe to the
greatest extent permitted bylaw. Some statesdo not allow the exclusion or lim-
itation of incidentalor consequentialdamages, so that the above maynot apply
to you.

Disclaimer of Warranties

This warranty contains the entire warranty and shall be in lieu of any
and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied (including all
implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular pur-
pose) And of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Digital
Security Controls Digital Security Controls neither assumes respons-
ibility for, nor authorizes any other person purporting to act on its
behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor to assume for it any
other warranty or liability concerning this product.
This disclaimer of warranties and limited warranty are governed by the
laws of the province of Ontario, Canada.

DigitalSecurityControlsrecommendsthat the entire systembe completelytested
on a regular basis. However, despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited
to, criminaltampering or electricaldisruption, it ispossible for thisproduct to failto

Out of Warranty Repairs

DigitalSecurityControlswillat itsoption repair or replace out-of-warrantyproducts
which are returned to itsfactoryaccording to the following conditions. Anyone
returning goodsto DigitalSecurityControlsmust first obtain an authorization num-
ber. DigitalSecurityControlswillnot accept anyshipment whatsoever for which
prior authorization hasnot been obtained.
Productswhich DigitalSecurityControlsdeterminesto be repairable willbe
repaired and returned. Aset fee which DigitalSecurityControlshaspre-
determined and which maybe revised fromtime to time, willbe charged for each
unit repaired.
Productswhich DigitalSecurityControlsdeterminesnot to be repairable willbe
replaced bythe nearest equivalent product available at that time. The current
market price of the replacement product willbe charged for each replacement


IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: DSC Software purchased with or without
Productsand Componentsiscopyrighted and ispurchased under the following
license terms:
ThisEnd-User License Agreement (“EULA”) isa legalagreement between You
(the company, individualor entitywho acquired the Software and anyrelated
Hardware) and DigitalSecurityControls, a division of Tyco SafetyProducts
Canada Ltd. (“DSC”), the manufacturer of the integrated securitysystemsand
the developer of the software and anyrelated productsor components
(“HARDWARE”) which You acquired.
If the DSC software product (“SOFTWAREPRODUCT” or “SOFTWARE”) isinten-
ded to be accompanied byHARDWARE, and isNOT accompanied bynew
HARDWARE, You maynot use, copyor installthe SOFTWAREPRODUCT. The
SOFTWAREPRODUCT includescomputer software, and mayinclude asso-
ciated media, printed materials, and “online” or electronicdocumentation.
Anysoftware provided along with the SOFTWAREPRODUCT that isassociated
with a separate end-user license agreement islicensed to You under the termsof
that license agreement.
Byinstalling, copying, downloading, storing, accessing or otherwise using the
SOFTWAREPRODUCT, You agree unconditionallyto be bound bythe termsof
thisEULA, even if thisEULAisdeemed to be a modification of anyprevious
arrangement or contract. If You do not agree to the termsof thisEULA, DSC is
unwilling to license the SOFTWAREPRODUCT to You, and You have no right to
use it.


The SOFTWAREPRODUCT isprotected bycopyright lawsand international
copyright treaties, aswellasother intellectualpropertylawsand treaties. The
SOFTWAREPRODUCT islicensed, not sold.

1. GRANT OF LICENSE This EULA grants You the following rights:
Software Installation and Use -

For each license You acquire, You mayhave

onlyone copyof the SOFTWAREPRODUCT installed.

Storage/Network Use -

The SOFTWAREPRODUCT maynot be installed,

accessed, displayed, run, shared or used concurrentlyon or fromdifferent com-
puters, including a workstation, terminalor other digitalelectronicdevice
(“Device”). In other words, if You have severalworkstations, You willhave to
acquire a license for each workstation where the SOFTWAREwillbe used.

Backup Copy -

You maymake back-up copiesof the SOFTWAREPRODUCT,

but You mayonlyhave one copyper license installed at anygiven time. You may
use the back-up copysolelyfor archivalpurposes. Except asexpresslyprovided in
thisEULA, You maynot otherwise make copiesof the SOFTWAREPRODUCT,
including the printed materialsaccompanying the SOFTWARE.

Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly -

You maynot reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT, except and onlyto the extent that such activityisexpresslypermitted
byapplicable law notwithstanding thislimitation. You maynot make anychanges
or modificationsto the Software, without the written permission of an officer of
DSC. You maynot remove anyproprietarynotices, marksor labelsfromthe Soft-
ware Product. You shallinstitute reasonable measuresto ensure compliance with
the termsand conditionsof thisEULA.

Separation of Components -

The SOFTWAREPRODUCT islicensed asa

single product. Itscomponent partsmaynot be separated for use on more than
one HARDWAREunit.


If You acquired thisSOFTWAREwith

HARDWARE, then the SOFTWAREPRODUCT islicensed with the HARDWARE
asa single integrated product. In thiscase, the SOFTWAREPRODUCT mayonly
be used with the HARDWAREasset forth in thisEULA.

Rental -

You maynot rent, lease or lend the SOFTWAREPRODUCT. You may

not make it available to othersor post it on a server or web site.

Software Product Transfer -

You maytransfer allof Your rightsunder thisEULA

onlyaspart of a permanent sale or transfer of the HARDWARE, provided You
retain no copies, You transfer allof the SOFTWAREPRODUCT (including allcom-
ponent parts, the media and printed materials, anyupgradesand thisEULA),
and provided the recipient agreesto the termsof thisEULA. If the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT isan upgrade, anytransfer must also include allprior versionsof the

Termination -

Without prejudice to anyother rights, DSC mayterminate this

EULAif You failto complywith the termsand conditionsof thisEULA. In such
event, You must destroyallcopiesof the SOFTWAREPRODUCT and allof itscom-
ponent parts.

Trademarks -

ThisEULAdoesnot grant You anyrightsin connection with any

trademarksor service marksof DSC or itssuppliers.


Alltitle and intellectualpropertyrightsin and to the SOFTWAREPRODUCT (includ-
ing but not limited to anyimages, photographs, and text incorporated into the
SOFTWAREPRODUCT), the accompanying printed materials, and anycopiesof
the SOFTWAREPRODUCT, are owned byDSC or itssuppliers. You maynot
copythe printed materialsaccompanying the SOFTWAREPRODUCT. Alltitle and
intellectualpropertyrightsin and to the content which maybe accessed through
use of the SOFTWAREPRODUCT are the propertyof the respective content
owner and maybe protected byapplicable copyright or other intellectualproperty
lawsand treaties. ThisEULAgrantsYou no rightsto use such content. Allrights
not expresslygranted under thisEULAare reserved byDSC and itssuppliers.
EXPORT RESTRICTIONS- You agree that You willnot export or re-export the
SOFTWAREPRODUCT to anycountry, person, or entitysubject to Canadian
export restrictions.
CHOICEOF LAW - ThisSoftware License Agreement isgoverned bythe lawsof
the Province of Ontario, Canada.
ARBITRATION - Alldisputesarising in connection with thisAgreement shallbe
determined byfinaland binding arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Act,
and the partiesagree to be bound bythe arbitrator’sdecision. The place of arbit-
ration shallbe Toronto, Canada, and the language of the arbitration shallbe






DSC shallnot be responsible for

problemscaused bychangesin the operating characteristicsof the HARDWARE,
or for problemsin the interaction of the SOFTWAREPRODUCT with non-DSC-





Summary of Contents for TL280

Page 1: ...llation Guide V4 1 For installation manual visit www dsc com Warning This manual contains informationon limitations regarding product use andfunction and inform ationonthelimitations as toliability of...

Page 2: ...5 TechnicalSpecifications Ratings and Compatibility 5 CommunicatorInstallation Configuration 5 Installing Communicatorin Panel 6 InitialPanelProgramming 8 CommunicatorStatus LEDs 8 CommunicatorTrouble...

Page 3: ...time to protectthe occupantsortheirbelongings Motion Detectors Motion detectorscan onlydetectmotion within the designated areasasshown in theirrespective installation instructions Theycannotdiscrimina...

Page 4: apply to all specified models unless stated differently Models ending in R include a built in RS 232 interface for connecting to third party applications The TL280 R supports integration over IP an...

Page 5: ...unicator Ratings Model TL280 R PowerSupply Ratings InputVoltage 10 8 12 5 VDC Power is supplied from the panel s PC Link header or a PCL 422 module in remote cabinetinstallations In remote cabinet ins...

Page 6: RS 232 cable must be connected between the third party device and the communicator module NOTE Maximum cable length for RS 232 cable is 8 ft 2 4 m Please refer to the installation manual for the th...

Page 7: ...or Wiring Diagram AUDIO DEFAULT DSC UA601 PC LINK COM TL280 R ACAC Z1 COM Z2 Z3 COM Z4 Z5 COM Z6 Z7 COM Z8 AUX BELL PGM1 PGM3 RING T 1 HS2016 2032 2064 2128 UA621 Input Ratings 10 8V 12 5 VDC 100mA DS...

Page 8: ...e Communicator Set up 1 In panel section 377 Communication Variables subsection 002 Communication Delays sub subsection 1 Com munication Delay program 060 seconds 2 In panel section 382 Communicator O...

Page 9: ...wice for receive Communicator Troubleshooting Table 6 Trouble Indications Trouble Indic ation Trouble Indicator Digit Possible Causes Trouble Possible Solution No Indication N A No Power l Check the p...

Page 10: ...her N A Initialization Sequence l The unitis still initializing please waitwhile the unitgets its programming and establishes a connection to all programmed receivers NOTE This process may take severa...

Page 11: ...011 Installer Code Default CAFE Valid range 0000 FFFF 012 DLS Incoming Port Default 0BF6 3062 Valid range 0000 FFFF 013 DLS Outgoing Port Default 0BFA 3066 Valid range 0000 FFFF 015 DLS Call Up IP De...

Page 12: ...eceiver 1 Domain Name Default 32 ASCIIcharacters ________________________________ Ethernet Receiver 2 Options 111 Ethernet Receiver 2 Account Code Default 0000000000 Valid range 0000000001 FFFFFFFFFE...

Page 13: ...orworkmanship such written notice to be received in alleventspriorto expir ation ofthe warrantyperiod There isabsolutelyno warrantyon software and all software productsare sold asa userlicense underth...

Page 14: ...torcontract IfYou do notagree to the termsofthisEULA DSC is unwilling to license the SOFTWAREPRODUCTto You and You have no rightto use it SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE The SOFTWAREPRODUCTisprotected bycopy...

Page 15: ...andardsEN61000 6 3 EN55022 CISPR22 4 The TL280R TL280 module usesAES128 encryption and heartbeatsuper vision forboth the Ethernetcommunication path and itmeetssecuritylevelsS2 as perEN50136 2 1 EN5013...

Page 16: ...yco willaggressivelyenforce itsintellectualpropertyrightsto the fullestextentofthe law including pursuitofcriminalprosecution wherevernecessary All trademarksnotowned byTyco are the propertyoftheirres...
