Section 3 - SG-DRL3-IP Programming
System III Console v2.20 (or higher) software is required for pro-
gramming and communication with SG-DRL3-IP Receiver Modules.
3.1 Options: [00] - [47]
Indicates Default
Option [00]: For future use
Options [01] - [04]: Receiver IP Address
This IP address identifies the SG-DRL3-IP on the IP network. Each
node on the IP network must be assigned a unique IP address, which
is made up of a network identifier and a host identifier. The SG-
DRL3-IP can only use Static IPs, DHCP is not supported. These
options specify 4 bytes of the receiver IP address, from the high byte
to low byte with highest (byte 3) in section [01] and lowest (byte 0)
in section [04] in hexadecimal.
Defaults: 01: C0, 02: A8, 03: 00, 04: 01
Options [05] - [08]: Receiver Subnet Mask Address
A mask used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to.
The subnet is a portion of a network that shares a common address
component. On TCP/IP networks, subnets are defined as all devices
whose IP addresses have the same prefix. Dividing a network into
subnets is useful for both security and performance reasons. These
options specify 4 bytes of receiver subnet mask address, from the
high byte to low byte with highest (byte 3) in section [05] and lowest
(byte 0) in section [08] in hexadecimal.
Defaults: 05: FF, 06: FF, 07: 00, 08: 00
Options [09] - [0C]: Receiver Gateway
This is the address of the Gateway through which the SG-DRL3-IP
must communicate to reach the T-LINK transmitter. This address is
applied to all T-LINK modules connected to the SG-DRL3-IP.
These options specify the 4 bytes of the receiver gateway, from high
byte to low byte with the highest (byte 3) in section [09] and the
lowest (byte 0) in section [0C].
Defaults: 09: 00, 0A: 00, 0B: 00, 0C: 00
Options [0D] - [0E]: Alarm Port Number
Use this option to set the Alarm Port connection number for your
receiver. While the default value will suffice in environments involving
just one receiver, Option [0D][0E] can be used to differentiate receivers
in a complex, multiple receiver environment. If this option is changed,
IP communication modules connected to the SG-DRL3-IP must be pro-
grammed with the new receiver number. Communicatiors connected
to the receiver will send their signals to this port.
Defaults: 0D: 0B, 0E: F5
(Represents: 3061)
Option [0F]: Receiver Number
The receiver number is used for sending signals to the central station
software. Refer to the manuals for any central station automation
software being used to determine if there are any special require-
ments for this number. Also, ensure that there are no duplicate
receiver numbers used.
Default: 01
Option [10]: Line Card Number
The Line Card Number provides a virtual identification code for each
SG-DRL3-IP module. Hexadecimal numbers “01” to “FE” can be
programmed in Option [01] to identify line cards.
Default: 01
Option [11]: Line Card Number Length
This option is used to determine how many digits from the line card
number will be sent to the output. You also have the option of dis-
playing the number in hex or decimal. Program this option with one
of the following:
Option [12]: Debug Output
The debug mode should only be used when required and disabled
after use. Enabling the Debug option reduces the SG-DRL3-IP
receiver’s ability to monitor the T-LINK transmitters.
Options [13] - [14]: Transmitter Absent Debounce Time
The time, in seconds, for which a transmitter configured in supervised
mode must be absent before a transmitter failure condition will be
reported. Valid entries are 30-65535 seconds. Value entered in hex.
Default: 078 (120s)
Transmitter Absent Time should not be less than 90 seconds. For
ULC Installations Security Level 4, this option shall be programmed as 5A
(90s), 4B (75s) for Security Level 5. For UL Installations, this option shall be
programmed as B4 (180s).
For UL Listed products, the permitted setting is 05AH(90s).
Options [15] - [16]: Transmitter Restoral Time
This option determines the required time a transmitter must be pres-
ent before it is registered in the Account Table and the transmitter
restoral message is sent.
Transmitter Restore Time must be 30 seconds minimum.
Default: 003C (60s)
For UL Listed products, the permitted setting is 05AH(90s).
Option [19]: Transmitter Restoral Trouble Mask
This programmable mask enables or disables the reporting of the
Transmitter restoral condition on the SG-DRL3-IP receiver. Setting the
mask to 0 signifies the trouble will be reported; setting the mask to
1 signifies the trouble will not be reported.
For UL Listed products, the permitted setting is OFF.
Option [1A]: Transmitter Failure Trouble Mask
This programmable mask enables or disables the reporting of the
Transmitter failure/absent condition on the SG-DRL3-IP receiver. Set-
ting the mask to 0 signifies the trouble will be reported; setting the
mask to 1 signifies the trouble will not be reported.
For UL Listed products, the permitted setting is OFF.
Sends only one hex digit to the printer or com-
puter output (if you have a 2-digit line card num-
ber only the last digit will be sent to the output).
Sends 2 hex digit line card number to the output.
Send 3 hex digit line card number to the output
(leading zeros will be inserted prior to the line
card number).
Send 3-digit line card number in decimal; send 2-
digit receiver number in decimal
Send 3-digit line card number in decimal
00 Disabled
Condition reported
Condition not reported (masked)
Condition reported
Condition not reported (masked)