Ground wire
from building
: The Lithium battery is NOT
replaceable. There is a risk of explosion if
battery is replaced incorrectly. If the lithium
battery stops working, return the circuit
board to the supplier. If you need to
dispose of the circuit board and/or the
lithium battery, wrap the battery in non-
conductive tape. Check with your local
government for battery disposal regulations.
16 V
40VA min.
16.0V @ 40 VA
For EU countries,
the power supply must
meet the applicable requirements
of the Low Voltage Directive
NOTE: Do not connect transformer
to a receptacle controlled by a
switch, for UL/ULC installations.
: Lithium
battery cannot
be replaced*
*The Marking related information is
provided on the Printed Circuit Board
located within the equipment.
1. The connection to the mains supply must be made as per local
authorities' rules and regulations. In the UK, as per BS6701.
2. If during the installation a knockout is removed, it is the installer's
responsibility to ensure that the same degree of protection for the
cabinet is provided by the use of bushings, fittings, etc.
3. The cabinet must be secured to the building structure before operation.
4. The equipment is intended to be installed by SERVICE PERSONNEL
ONLY or equivalent (e.g., persons having appropriate technical training
& experience necessary to be aware of hazards to which they are
exposed in performing that task.
5. Internal & external wiring must be routed in a manner that prevents:
- excessive strain on wire and on terminal connections;
- loosening of terminal connections;
- damage of conductor insulation.
6. Regarding the power supply
- in EU countries, it must meet the applicable requirements of the
LowVoltage Directive and must be PERMANENTLY CONNECTED and
protected, as per EN60950 requirements. In all other countries, it shall be
of an approved type acceptable to the local authorities. It must not produce
an Earth leakage current higher than 3.5mA at maximum rated voltage.
- it is the responsibility of the installer to incorporate a readily accessible
disconnect device in the fixed wiring for the user (i.e., circuit breaker,
isolating switch).
7. The ground connection must be as shown above or equivalent.
(For EU Market)