5.2.2 Check Trouble LED
A. Check number of flashes on status LED. If the LED flashes more than once every ten seconds, refer
to Table 1 in the “Trouble Indication”section and correct the indicated problem.
B. Four flashes indicates bad communications with the cellular network. Try adding an extension antenna
and relocating the antenna.
C. Eight flashes indicates a bad PGM connection. Check that the wire from the control panel’s PGM to the
GSM 1000 PGM is correct and that the correct resistor is in place. Next, check that the power
connections (RED, BLK , BELL+) between the panel and the GSM 1000 are good. Lastly, verify that the
control panel is programmed for GSM 1000 operation.
5.2.3 Other Checks
A. Connect a telephone handset to TIP & RING of the control panel. Send a signal through the GSM 1000.
Listen to the handset. If a ‘network’ message is heard, make note of it and follow the instructions. For
instance; the network message says “you must first dial a 1 or zero before placing this call”. The
telephone number in the control panel probably requires a ‘Preamble’.
B. Check cellular activation. Call the cellular number of the GSM 1000. If the GSM 1000 is properly
activated but turned off, the network message should say “the cellular customer you have called is
unavailable or has travelled outside of the coverage area”. If the GSM 1000 cellular number is called
and the GSM 1000 is turned on (and downloading is not enabled and connected), the message should
say “The customer you have called is unavailable”, or it will simply hang up (this would occur after many
rings). If the cellular number is not activated the message will say “the number you have called is not
in service”. Call the cellular service provider and check the activation. Be prepared with the GSM
Cellular Service Provider Information.
C. If you continue to experience difficulties, try sending a signal through the GSM 1000 and listen for the
black relay on the GSM 1000 board to ‘click’. This indicates that the GSM 1000 is receiving the central
station telephone number via the control panel PGM output. If after that the red trouble LED stays on
steady, the GSM is transmitting. If it does not, the GSM 1000 can not find a voice channel. The panel
will time-out and attempt the call again. Try using an antenna extension kit to relocate the antenna.
Do not disconnect the telephone line between the GSM 1000 and control panel when testing. Only
disconnect the telephone line at the TELCO jack when testing the GSM 1000.
5.3 Trouble Indication
The GSM 1000 automatically monitors its operation and indicates trouble conditions by flashing LED1 on
the circuit board. LED1 normally flashes once every 10 seconds when the GSM 1000 is in standby (ready
to transmit) mode. Troubles are indicated when LED1 flashes more than once at each 10 second interval.
Shown below is the number of flashes used to indicate each trouble condition. If more than one trouble is
present, only the first trouble is indicated. When that trouble is cleared, the next will be indicated.
The GSM 1000 uses a 30-second delay timer for all troubles. The status LED will flash as soon as the
condition is detected, but the TBL output will not be activated until the condition has existed for 30 seconds.
TABLE 1 — LED1 Indications
Number of LED Flashes
Time-outs for GSM 1000 failures
4 flashes
Loss of Cellular Communication
30 seconds
8 flashes
PGM Trouble
30 seconds